日本 - 米国:
「日本叩きのボタン」を押し続けることで どうなるかーーこれを過小評価すべきではない、シリアの問題よりはるかに重要事項である。
もしも日本が脅威にさらされていると感じるなら-- すでにそうであるし、また脅威を感じていなければならないのだが、 米国がいざとなったときに味方をしないとなったら、日本はまず、米国は日本を中国に売り渡したと感じるだろう。米国は日本を見捨てたと。 それはその通りだ。
第二に、この日本叩きが続けば、日本は加勢してくれる仲間がいないので、中国の巨大な火薬庫とどんどん大きくなっていく兵器を 為す術もなく凝視しているように感じることだろう。
もしも日本が核兵器を作りたいなら すぐにつくれるだろう。それは日本だからだ。日本人は たいがいのものは 作れるのだ。
トランプ-サルは、赤く光る日本ボタンを押すのをやめなければならない。彼は不動産業では成功者かもしれないが、この日本叩きが深刻な問題であることは わかっていない。
Japan-USA: "As Trump’s popularity continues to rise, his Japan-bashing continues to baffle"
"The 69-year-old billionaire businessman also claims the 1960 bilateral security treaty is unfair as it only obliges the United States to defend Japan."
Trump is like a monkey in the cockpit. He's jumping around, screaming, and pushing shiny buttons. The monkey especially likes red buttons, and he has no idea what they do, but he hears the airplane make noises when he pushes them.
He is pushing the Japan button repeatedly.
This is making many Japanese nervous because they are under increasing military threat from China. Our alliance with Japan is crucial for us, and for Japan, and for Philippines, Korea, Australia, and many more.
Do not underestimate what the Japan button can lead to. This is of the utmost seriousness. Far more serious than Syria.
If Japan feels threatened -- and they already do, and they should -- and they feel like the United States is not there to stand beside them, firstly, they will feel sold out. Like we abandoned them. Because if we do this, it will be abandonment.
Secondly, they will feel like they are staring down the barrel of a giant and growing Chinese gun, and they have no partner in the fight.
There is a sharp aversion in Japan to building nuclear weapons, but rest assured they are thinking about it, and some of Japan's most serious thinkers have told me they are thinking about going nuclear if the U.S. is not there with them.
If Japan wants to build nuclear weapons, they can do so very quickly. It is Japan, after all. There is not a lot that Japanese cannot do.
If Japan were to go nuclear, China -- who has hydrogen bombs -- will lose its mind. Both Koreas will go even madder than they are today. It would not be surprising if then South Korea decides to go nuclear.
The Trump-monkey needs to stop pushing the shiny red JAPAN button. He might be good at real estate, but this is serious business.