Saturday, February 27, 2016


マイケル ヨン :中国は太平洋にまで覇権を拡げつつある
by JOHN HAYWARD26 Feb 2016 

退役軍人の従軍記者であるマイケル・ヨンは、2/26 金曜日の朝、Breitbart News Daily ラジオ局 のステファン・バノン(Stephen K. Bannon)と、南シナ海で高まる中国の野望の脅威について話し合った。

アジアに住むヨン氏は、「中国はこの領域におけるアメリカの利益に対して(きわめて重大な) 脅威となっている」と述べた。また、環太平洋地域の人々は、中国の隆盛と米国の衰退について不安をおぼえている、と断言した。






彼らのルールに従えば、米国は、月を含めた太陽系全てを所有できる。 最初に月に着陸して国旗をたてたのは米国だからだ。


バノン氏の発言:  アジア各国では 政府高官からビジネスリーダー、街角の人にいたるまで、中国の影響はますます高まりつつある反面、 米国の影響力は衰退していると思うが。

ヨン氏:  「完全に」同意する。

もっともそれを定量的に評価することは難しいが、中国の野望による脅威を アメリカ人は過小評価してはいけない。

・ 中国は他国を侵略している。
・ 中国は弱い者いじめが得意だ。 いじめることができないものは 買収しようとする。
・ 中国は米国の大学にも深く浸透している。
・ 我々の前の世代のときにソ連がしたように、中国は 様々な手段をつかって米国をコントロールしようとしている。

「私はそのことについて(多くの証拠を持っており)何時間でも話すことができる」 とヨン氏は 述べた。


Thursday, February 25, 2016


日本人収容所での生活 : 46枚の写真  by アンセル・アダムズ

信じられない物語がここにある。我々の祖国 米国は、第二次大戦中、約12万人の日本人を収容所に送った。財産のみならず商売や仕事までも奪われた彼らは、身の回りの物だけを持って収容所に向かった。米国市民であり、アメリカ人だったというのに。




46 fantastic photos of life at a Japanese internment camp, taken by Ansel Adams
Incredible history here. We, America, rounded up nearly 120,000 Japanese during World War II and put them in prison camps. We stole their property, businesses, the works. At least they could keep what they could carry. Many were US citizens. They were Americans. 
Despite that crime, many still joined the US military, and served in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. A friend of mine serves with the 442nd today, in Hawaii. My friend is an officer in the 442nd, and he told me the young Soldiers are taught the incredible history of their unit. 
The 442nd became the most highly decorated unit for its size in US military history. The 442nd has Medals of Honor and other high awards coming out its ears. They were incredible. I and an Army veteran visited their memorial in Los Angeles. If you are in Los Angeles, please spend a quiet hour at the 442nd memorial. You will learn a great deal and be enriched from the experience.
We never apologized for what we did to Japanese in America until 1988 when Ronald Reagan, the fine man that he was, apologized on behalf of the United States.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


2016 靖国神社の桜の開花は3月21日






"2016 cherry blossom season projected for early March 21 start"
Last year I was lucky enough to celebrate the blossoming at Yasukuni Shrine with some interesting Japanese folks. The beauty of the blossoming is fantastic. It ranks in beauty with the fall color changing in Vermont or New Hampshire. Anyone who has seen that knows it is beyond mere art. The color changing and the cherry blossoms are some of the most beautiful natural art in the world. 
Suddenly Mother Nature takes out her brush and paints a masterpiece on the trees, and just as suddenly it is gone and swept away. You were either there, or not. Even the greatest photographers cannot fully capture such events.
Japanese take these blossom predictions seriously. Very seriously.
If you have time to fly to Japan to see this, you should consider going. You never will forget:

Thursday, February 18, 2016


"No documents confirm military coerced ‘comfort women,’ Japan envoy tells U.N."
The Japan Times  FEB 17, 2016

「旧日本軍が "慰安婦"を強制したことを示す史料 はどこにも無い」

なんの痕跡も残さずに40万人もの女性をさらってきて性奴隷にしたなどの戯言を信じるのはロボットかドローンだけだ。(あるときは 20万人と言い、また別のときは 40万人と言っている。)



"No documents confirm military coerced ‘comfort women,’ Japan envoy tells U.N."
Only the robots and drones have been fooled that 400,000 women were kidnapped as sex-slaves, without a trace. (Some days they say 200,000, on other days 400,000.)
If you are taking a university class wherein the professor teaches this as true, it is time to cancel the class and demand proof or refund. This is akin to a physics professor teaching that the world is flat.
Demand truth.

Saturday, February 13, 2016




Voice 2016年3月号  ハリウッドで進む中国の情報戦  マイケル・ヨン 110p

Japan: my latest article in VOICE Magazine

Unfortunately this is only in Japanese language. English later. Please buy a copy in Japan:







1) 心を許せる日本の友人が一人は居る。彼らはなぜ日本のことが好きなのか説明して回る(まるで数百万人の日本の大使が世界中にいるようなものである)

2) 日本を訪れたことのある。米軍基地かまたは日本で働いたことがあるなど。日本に少し居ただけでも日本人にとても好印象を懐く。

3) 日本の品々に取り囲まれてうっとりしている。ちょっと変だが彼らがそれで良いのだから良いのだろう。

私の親友の一人は3)のこれだ。知っている限り彼は過去30年は日本びいきだが、一度も日本を訪れたことが無い。ときどきからかうこともある。どうやって行ったことも無い国をそんなに好きになれるのか? かれは独学の上、いくつかの日本語を読むことだってできるようになった。




The Japan Times

"Chinese tourists take home glowing views of Japan"

"Chinese tourists take home glowing views of Japan"
I believe this is true. I live in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and about 80,000 Chinese tourists are estimated to have come here for Chinese New Years. Many of their buses unload people just two minutes walk from my desk.
So I talk with any Chinese I can find who speaks English. Those who have not been to Japan often have ill feelings, but those who have visited Japan are 180 degrees and tend to be positive toward Japan and Japanese.
This is also true of Americans, though I think relatively few Americans these days are anti-Japanese. (The generations before my generation could have very negative views due to WWII.) 
I do not know a single American friend who is anti-Japanese, but the Americans who have the most positive views of Japan seem to share a few characteristics:
1) They have at least one Japanese friend who wins their heart, and thus they expound that to saying they like Japan. (Nothing like having a million Japanese ambassadors spread across the world.)
2) They have been to Japan, oftentimes with the US military, or they worked in Japan, etc. After even a short time in Japan, they become very positive towards Japanese.
3) Some other Americans are into a bunch of "Japan stuff" and are a little kooky with their love of Japan. Kind of strange, but hey, they like it, so that is fine. 
A close friend of mine is like this. He has been a Japan-freak for at least 30 years and has never been to Japan. We joke about it sometimes. How can he love Japan so much and never even go? He even taught himself to read some Japanese.
My thoughts are that the Chinese information war against Japan can be badly damaged just by encouraging millions of Chinese to visit Japan. Nobody wants to attack someone they like and respect. 
Every Thai and American I know who has been to Japan became a kind of ambassador for Japan, and after talking with so many Chinese, I believe this can happen with Chinese, too.
Nobody is willing to go to war against people they like...

Wednesday, February 10, 2016




日本軍は売春婦に対してイアンフ(慰安婦)システムを構築した。当時、売春婦は完全に合法であった。さらってくる必要などなかった。ほとんどは日本人であった ― 当時、朝鮮は日本の一部で、数十万人の朝鮮人が日本の軍人であったことも憶えておいてほしい。


これは大嘘である ― 私は9カ国に渡って調査してきた。調査のため、さらに2カ国に行く予定だ。



一般に台湾の人々は日本に対してとても好印象を持っている、だれでも良いから台湾人を見つけてきて聞いてみてくれ。しかし”sex slaves”と”Taiwan”をキーワードにウェブ検索をかけるとどうだろう、検索結果を見るとまるで全ての台湾人が日本人を嫌っていると思うだろう。







Associated Press
Published: February 7, 2016
Controversy over how to teach kids about 'comfort women'

USA: Controversy over how to teach American kids about Korean and Chinese prostitutes who made a fortune
This is a massive scam and information operation targeting finally even American children. The lies that Japanese kidnapped 200,000 'sex-slaves' have been systematically and completely debunked.
Japanese used an ianfu (comfort women) system for prostitutes. Prostitution was perfectly legal at the time. Nobody had to be kidnapped. Most were Japanese -- keeping in mind that at the time Korea was part of Japan and hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese military.
This fact that hundreds of thousands of Koreans were Japanese citizens in the Japanese military throws a monkey wrench into the lie. This means Korea is accusing Koreans, but that never gets mentioned. 
This is all a great lie -- I have researched it so far in 9 countries, 2 to go. 
Many Koreans and Chinese like to make out that Japanese are loathed across Asia. I have been to more than 20 Asian countries and spent many years over here. Japanese are among the most respected if not the most respected. (Northern Europeans and Americans also are generally well liked, though America itself has become less popular.)
I just spent a month in Taiwan. Feelings for Japanese there were extremely positive, as they were in Jakarta, and are in Thailand, but you would never know this from the media reports.
I found Taiwanese in general were so positive towards Japan that Taiwan is worth singling out. But if you take a few minutes to websearch "sex slaves" and "Taiwan," you might think all the Taiwanese hate Japanese. 
To be sure, nearly every Taiwanese I spoke with actually believe that the kidnappings occurred. They also buy into the propaganda, but they still seem to have a love affair with Japanese.
In Taiwan, I met a man from mainland China, who said he was a former Chinese Army officer (I believed he likely was truthful on that), who actually did not believe the sex-slave narrative. 
He said sex slave narrative is a lie, but 99% of (mainland) Chinese believe it, and hate Japanese. He said he likes Japanese quite a lot, but nearly all (mainland) Chinese hate Japanese. I asked why they hate Japanese, and he said simply that the people are "stupid" (he actually used that word) and they did not study and they believed the government lies. 
I asked why he did not believe the sex slave narrative, and he said firstly that he studied and loves history, and secondly it did not make sense. 
Do not take my word for it. Ask your Asian friends what they think of Japanese. You may find exceptions, but broadly speaking you will find that my words are true, that Japanese are popular people, other than with some Koreans, and mainland Chinese.
These divisive lies should not be taught in our schools. They are meant to divide us from our Japanese friends so that we may all be conquered.

Sunday, February 7, 2016




"New Film About Chiune Sugihara, the 'Japanese Schindler,' Makes U.S. Premiere"
Chiune Sugihara was a real hero in the full sense of the word. If you do not know his story, it is worth your time.

Friday, February 5, 2016

フェイスブックの検閲に抗議して : an article of "Breitbart News"

Breitbart News
by マイケル・プール記者  2015年11月20日 

伝説のフリーランス従軍記者マイケル・ヨン氏は、彼の投稿記事やコメントをSMS の巨人FBが 納得のいく理由無しに検閲したことは傲慢である、とツイッター上で抗議した。


彼の報道が( 新聞社やTV局などに属さず)完全に独立したものであることは有名だが、それは資金源が読者の寄付だからである。



しかし今日彼の発したツイッターによると、どうやら活動をFBからツイッターに移すようである。マイケルのファンや、軍隊やテロリズムについて既存のメディア報道では飽き足らない向きは @michael_yon

Thursday, February 4, 2016








Korea is becoming a laughingstock due to all the lies about Japan
Check out this 'sex-slave' clip demonizing Japanese during World War II. It deftly omits that they were prostitutes, typically sold by their own Korean fathers, or bought or hired by Korean brokers, and that prostitution was legal. It leaves out the prostitutes made a fortune and often married Japanese Soldiers. 
It omits that the prostitutes were free to come and go, and once the debt was paid off (for instance the money that brokers paid their fathers), the women could go home at their own whim, and that many volunteered to stay because the cash was so good.
It omits that hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese military, including as officers, and that Koreans were Japanese citizens between 1910-1945. 
The film also omits that many of our POWs were brutalized by Koreans in the Japanese Army, and that British and US POWs said that the Koreans were the cruelest 'bastards' of them all.
This film is a complete lie and is designed to stoke hatred against Japan, and ultimately to split apart crucial alliances so that China (who is behind all this) can dominate the region and beyond. 
The film also omits that Korea prostitutes still fan the globe. Nobody has to kidnap Korean women as prostitutes. We have to put guards on bases to keep them out.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

慰安婦問題と 米国

慰安婦問題と 米国





その源を辿って行くと複数の外国の政府( 主に中国) がある。 我々と友好関係にある同盟国を卑劣な悪魔と思わせるようなプロパガンダを世界中に吹き込んでいるのだが、現在の活動は、米国の高校教育がターゲットにされている。




The Comfort Women issue, and why it is important to Americans
It may not seem important, but it is. The issue is manufactured and designed to target alliances between Japan, the USA, Korea, and more. So far I have researched this issue in nine countries.
Maybe 1% of the journalists who write about a clue about what really happened. Nearly everyone is just copy-pasting from other 'sources', who are not sources at all because they also are merely copy-pasting and making meta-stories.
But some folks are starting to see it for what it is: