1) 心を許せる日本の友人が一人は居る。彼らはなぜ日本のことが好きなのか説明して回る(まるで数百万人の日本の大使が世界中にいるようなものである)
2) 日本を訪れたことのある。米軍基地かまたは日本で働いたことがあるなど。日本に少し居ただけでも日本人にとても好印象を懐く。
3) 日本の品々に取り囲まれてうっとりしている。ちょっと変だが彼らがそれで良いのだから良いのだろう。
私の親友の一人は3)のこれだ。知っている限り彼は過去30年は日本びいきだが、一度も日本を訪れたことが無い。ときどきからかうこともある。どうやって行ったことも無い国をそんなに好きになれるのか? かれは独学の上、いくつかの日本語を読むことだってできるようになった。
The Japan Times
"Chinese tourists take home glowing views of Japan"
"Chinese tourists take home glowing views of Japan"
I believe this is true. I live in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and about 80,000 Chinese tourists are estimated to have come here for Chinese New Years. Many of their buses unload people just two minutes walk from my desk.
So I talk with any Chinese I can find who speaks English. Those who have not been to Japan often have ill feelings, but those who have visited Japan are 180 degrees and tend to be positive toward Japan and Japanese.
This is also true of Americans, though I think relatively few Americans these days are anti-Japanese. (The generations before my generation could have very negative views due to WWII.)
I do not know a single American friend who is anti-Japanese, but the Americans who have the most positive views of Japan seem to share a few characteristics:
1) They have at least one Japanese friend who wins their heart, and thus they expound that to saying they like Japan. (Nothing like having a million Japanese ambassadors spread across the world.)
2) They have been to Japan, oftentimes with the US military, or they worked in Japan, etc. After even a short time in Japan, they become very positive towards Japanese.
3) Some other Americans are into a bunch of "Japan stuff" and are a little kooky with their love of Japan. Kind of strange, but hey, they like it, so that is fine.
A close friend of mine is like this. He has been a Japan-freak for at least 30 years and has never been to Japan. We joke about it sometimes. How can he love Japan so much and never even go? He even taught himself to read some Japanese.
My thoughts are that the Chinese information war against Japan can be badly damaged just by encouraging millions of Chinese to visit Japan. Nobody wants to attack someone they like and respect.
Every Thai and American I know who has been to Japan became a kind of ambassador for Japan, and after talking with so many Chinese, I believe this can happen with Chinese, too.
Nobody is willing to go to war against people they like...