★ カリフォルニアの高校の履修課程に「慰安婦」が取り入られるかもしれない(アリランニュース、2015年12月21日)
カリフォルニアの高校生は、学校で、「第二次大戦時 日本帝国軍が女性を性奴隷としていた」ことを勉強することになるであろう
カリフォルニア州の2017年公立高校履修内容の検討段階で、カリフォルニア州の教育担当部は、慰安婦を社会科の教材として扱うことを提案した。もしも実現したら、これは米国の学校教育における初めての例となる。(以下 Kwon Jang 記者 報告)
「近代 世界の歴史・文化・地理 」の原案、第15章では、「制度化された性奴隷の例」として教え、その中で「20世紀における最も大規模な人身売買であった」ことを 強調する。
また、犠牲者の数については諸説あるが、(ほとんどの専門家が、日本が朝鮮半島を占領中に数十万人の女性たちが犠牲になったと述べている)ことも 教える。
原案についての住民の意見は2月まで受け付けられ、5月には州の教育委員会が 決定を下す。
日本政府の責任逃れの動きは 犠牲者のほとんどが韓国人であったことから、韓国と日本の対立の原因となっている。
Kwon Jang-Ho, Arirang News.
★慰安婦合意:在米韓国系市民団体、米国務副長官の罷免を要求(朝鮮日報 1/28/2016)
★「慰安婦」少女像バッジを市民の胸に 来月から韓国で販売(ハンギョレ 1/26/2016)
★日本に謝罪求めるなら韓国もベトナムに謝るべき 高まる「ピエタ像」設置運動( ハンギョレ 1/26/2016)
★仁川にも「平和の少女像」建てよう…市民団体が推進中(中央日報 1/28/2016)
Subject: 慰安婦合意:在米韓国系市民団体、米国務副長官の罷免を要求(朝鮮日報 1/28/2016)
★′Comfort Women′ issue included in draft California high school curriculum (Arirang News 12/21/2015)
High school students in California may start learning about Imperial Japan′s enforcement of women into sex slavery before and during World War II.
In a draft framework for the state′s 2017 public school curriculum, the California Department of Education has proposed to add the topic in its history and social science lessons.
If adopted, it will be the first time the issue has been included in the American school education.
Kwon Jang-ho brings us the details.
The California Department of Education has proposed teaching its high school students about the issue of Japan′s wartime sexual slavery.
Using the phrase ″comfort women″ to describe the victims, it is included in the draft framework of history and social sciences for students in Grade ten aged fifteen to sixteen.
In chapter fifteen of the draft, entitled, ″World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World″ it says the issue is to be ″taught as an example of institutionalized sexual slavery,″ and emphasizes that it is ″one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century.″
It also goes on to say that estimates on the total number of victims vary, but most experts argue that hundreds of thousands of women were forced into these situations during Japanese occupation.
″This is the result of last month′s public hearing, where we argued to the education board the need to include this issue of Japanese wartime sexual slavery.″
Members of the public are invited to comment on the draft until February, before the curriculum is finalized by the State Board of Education in May.
The Sankei Shimbun newspaper reported on Monday, that the Japanese government will make efforts to convince the board to either take out the content or reduce it.
They are arguing that the issue doesn′t qualify as slavery, saying that the women served as volunteers.
Tokyo′s refusal to claim responsibility is an on-going source of conflict between Korea and Japan, as most of the victims were Korean.
Seoul and the surviving victims are still seeking a formal apology and reparations from the Japanese government for the atrocities.
Kwon Jang-Ho, Arirang News.