Saturday, January 30, 2016



★ カリフォルニアの高校の履修課程に「慰安婦」が取り入られるかもしれない(アリランニュース、2015年12月21日)

カリフォルニアの高校生は、学校で、「第二次大戦時  日本帝国軍が女性を性奴隷としていた」ことを勉強することになるであろう

カリフォルニア州の2017年公立高校履修内容の検討段階で、カリフォルニア州の教育担当部は、慰安婦を社会科の教材として扱うことを提案した。もしも実現したら、これは米国の学校教育における初めての例となる。(以下  Kwon Jang 記者 報告)


「近代 世界の歴史・文化・地理 」の原案、第15章では、「制度化された性奴隷の例」として教え、その中で「20世紀における最も大規模な人身売買であった」ことを 強調する。

また、犠牲者の数については諸説あるが、(ほとんどの専門家が、日本が朝鮮半島を占領中に数十万人の女性たちが犠牲になったと述べている)ことも 教える。 


原案についての住民の意見は2月まで受け付けられ、5月には州の教育委員会が 決定を下す。


日本政府の責任逃れの動きは  犠牲者のほとんどが韓国人であったことから、韓国と日本の対立の原因となっている。


Kwon Jang-Ho, Arirang News.



★慰安婦合意:在米韓国系市民団体、米国務副長官の罷免を要求(朝鮮日報 1/28/2016)


★「慰安婦」少女像バッジを市民の胸に 来月から韓国で販売(ハンギョレ 1/26/2016)

★日本に謝罪求めるなら韓国もベトナムに謝るべき 高まる「ピエタ像」設置運動( ハンギョレ 1/26/2016)

★仁川にも「平和の少女像」建てよう市民団体が推進中(中央日報 1/28/2016)


Subject: 慰安婦合意:在米韓国系市民団体、米国務副長官の罷免を要求(朝鮮日報 1/28/2016)
′Comfort Women′ issue included in draft California high school curriculum (Arirang News 12/21/2015)
High school students in California may start learning about Imperial Japan′s enforcement of women into sex slavery before and during World War II. 
In a draft framework for the state′s 2017 public school curriculum the California Department of Education has proposed to add the topic in its history and social science lessons.
If adopted it will be the first time the issue has been included in the American school education.
Kwon Jangho brings us the details. 
The California Department of Education has proposed teaching its high school students about the issue of Japan′s wartime sexual slavery.
Using the phrase ″comfort women″ to describe the victims it is included in the draft framework of history and social sciences for students in Grade ten aged fifteen to sixteen.
In chapter fifteen of the draft entitled ″World History Culture and Geography The Modern World″ it says the issue is to be ″taught as an example of institutionalized sexual slavery″ and emphasizes that it is ″one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century.″ 
It also goes on to say that estimates on the total number of victims vary but most experts argue that hundreds of thousands of women were forced into these situations during Japanese occupation.
″This is the result of last month′s public hearing where we argued to the education board the need to include this issue of Japanese wartime sexual slavery.″
Members of the public are invited to comment on the draft until February before the curriculum is finalized by the State Board of Education in May.
The Sankei Shimbun newspaper reported on Monday that the Japanese government will make efforts to convince the board to either take out the content or reduce it.
They are arguing that the issue doesn′t qualify as slavery saying that the women served as volunteers.
Tokyo′s refusal to claim responsibility is an ongoing source of conflict between Korea and Japan as most of the victims were Korean.
Seoul and the surviving victims are still seeking a formal apology and reparations from the Japanese government for the atrocities. 
Kwon JangHo Arirang News.

我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

Thursday, January 28, 2016

「慰安婦」が 日本に直接 謝罪要求

{ニュースでは決して報道されることの無い 物語 }

韓国人元慰安婦の老婦人達が 住んでいるのは、House of Sharing( 皆の家)。運営しているのは、日本と米国を敵視している韓国の共産主義者である。
彼らはまるで動物を動物園で管理飼育しているが如く 老婦人達を その家に住まわせ、記者会見があると 彼女達を車椅子に乗せて連れ出すのだ。

彼ら共産主義者の「仕事」は これだけでは終わらない。 各地に慰安婦像を建立することによって慰安婦問題を可能な限り 長引かせ、いつでも世間に物議を醸せるようにするのだ。かつての「慰安婦」のためを思ってのことではない。老婆達は小道具につかわれているにすぎない。 

昨年、この慰安婦運動を支援している活動家の一人が、在韓国 アメリカ大使、マーク・リッパートを暗殺しようとして 大使の顔に切りつけた。以前 その男は 日本の大使を襲撃し、地元の共産主義者仲間の英雄になったのだった。下の写真を見てわかるとおり、大使に切りつけた犯人は、ソウルの慰安婦像の隣で共産主義者特有の挨拶の仕草をしている。




一方、計画が阻止されて喜んだ韓国人達もいる。 売春のネットワークを生業にしていたため世間の注目を集めたくなかったのだ。

これらは全て、いずれ米国を裁判で訴えるための土台作りである。ニュースではそんなことは報道していないが、しかし様々な報告や分析から彼らの意図が察知できる。 韓国や世界各地に駐留し、米兵は日本軍と同じようなことをしているが、そのことに対して訴訟がおこされるのは何時だろうか? 我々はわからない。しかしこれを印刷して持っておくとよい。あと何年かしたら今度は米国を訴えてくると我々は確信している。

これは まさに、日本・米国・その他の国々に 左翼勢力が仕掛ける 情報戦争以外の何物でも無い。
その陰で中国は着々と 海軍力を増強しているのである。

我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

"‘Comfort women’ demand face-to-face apology from Japan"
Here is the story you will not hear in the news: The former prostitutes live at the "House of Sharing", operated by Korean communists who hate Japan and the United States. The communists keep these women practically as zoo animals, wheeling them out for press conferences. 
Their mission is not to end this, but to prolong it as long as possible by erecting comfort women statues and generally making controversy whenever possible. Their interests are not in the women who are merely props.
A supporter of this movement tried last year to assassinate our Ambassador to Korea, Mark Lippert, cutting Ambassador Lippert's face. Previously the same communist attacked the Japanese Ambassador, making him a hero among local communists. He can be seen giving a communist salute beside the comfort women statue in Seoul. (See below.)
More broadly, this is related to protests against our bases in Japan. 
China has a big but mostly silent hand in this, helping to install these statues in the USA and elsewhere. They tried to install one in Canada but were rebuffed last year. 
Likewise I flew down to Australia last year to share information with a local government at Strathfield, where related groups also tried to install a statue but were rebuffed due to peaceful activism from a Japanese group that included local Australian participants. Some Koreans were very angry when that project was killed. 
Other Koreans were happy the project was killed because they still run prostitution rings and did not want the attention.
This all is building towards lawsuits against the United States. We have not seen this in the news, but we can sense it based on various reports and our analysis. When will these lawsuits come alleging similar acts by US service members in Korea or elsewhere? We do not know. But print this out and keep it. We are confident that lawsuits against the US will come from this, though that might still be years down the line.
This is nothing more than a leftwing information war against Japan, USA, and others, while China builds its Navy.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

フィリス・キムとアレクシス・ダデンのラジオ出演 /  フィリス・キムによるネット請願

 ● ロサンゼルスにある韓国の第二次大戦中の性奴隷の代理人グループが日本と韓国の「慰安婦」取引を糾弾(Take Two 2015年12月28日)
   LA group representing Korea's WWII sex slaves denounces 'comfort women' dealTake Two 12/28/2015)

 ● フィリス・キム、カリフォルニアの韓国系米国人の代表
  Phyllis Kim, executive director of the Korean American Forum of California.

 ● 慰安婦の請願
    "Comfort Women" Petition

  Remember and Educate!
  Teach California Children about the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery

    The history of Japan and South Korea's dispute over 'comfort women'
              (Take Two 12/28/2015)

  ● コネチカット大学の歴史学教授のアレクシス・ダデン氏が、韓国と日本の二国間における数十年にわたる慰安婦論争の歴史について議論するためにTake Twoに参加

 Alexis Dudden, professor of history at the University of Connecticut, joined Take Two to discuss the history of the decades-long dispute between the two countries.

 ●アジア系アメリカ人のリーダーたちが「慰安婦」に関する日本ー韓国間の合意内容に反応を示す (NBC  2016年12月29日)
  Asian-American Leaders Respond to Japan-South Korea Agreement Regarding 'Comfort Women' (NBC 12/29/2016)

 ●カノヤヒロシのコメント(Japan Today 2015年5月9日)
  Hiroshi Kanoya's past comments(Japan Today 5/9/2015)

  Comfort Women for Japanese Army during 1930s through 1945 
       ( Coalition of Three Parties for Communicating Historical Truth )

我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

日本:海兵隊員 ティム・リンチとJICA

日本について:  海兵隊員 ティム・リンチとJICA

JICAはUSAID(米国際開発局) の日本版である。
私が 親友のティムとアフガニスタンで知り合ったとき、彼は米国海兵隊軍人であった。

ティムは当時、JICAと共に活動していて、いつも彼らのことを褒めていた。 私がJICAについて知ったのは ティムのおかげだ。アフガン戦争のそのときまで、JICAのことなど知らなかった。JICAが活動していた場所のアフガン人は JICA が大好きなようだった。









我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

Japan: Marine Tim Lynch writes about JICA
JICA is the Japanese equivalent of USAID. Tim is a retired US Marine officer who spent years all over Afghanistan. We became good friends there.
Tim worked with JICA and always said great things about them, which was my introduction to JICA. I did not know about JICA until the Afghanistan war. Afghans loved JICA in the places they worked.
Finally I was with some JICA people in Ghor Province (which seems near the planet Pluto -- look it up and see), and the excellent Lithuanian military contingent there was providing security for JICA. I was actually with the Lithuanians but they were with JICA.
I got the feeling that JICA did not really need security there because Afghans liked JICA people.
Finally, I published about JICA, very positively in about 2009 or 10. This was before I had any serious relationship with Japan. Later I saw JICA doing good work in Myanmar and Philippines. JICA brings goodwill to Japan with their important projects.
Separately, Tim told me the sad story of a Japanese man who was living in a village in Afghanistan. Tim said that some Japanese do this. They just move to a foreign country, live in a village for many years and help people with water or whatever. 
Tim said that this village apparently loved a Japanese man who did this, but that some kidnappers came to take him. 
The villagers gave chase and the Japanese man could not keep up, so the kidnappers shot him in the leg(s) maybe thinking the villagers would stop chasing them to help the Japanese man. 
But this killed the Japanese man, and according to Tim the villagers chased down the kidnappers and killed them. Tim went out to recover his body.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

日米韓 関係と慰安婦問題 updated


日本は「20万人をさらって性奴隷に」などしていない。慰安婦のほとんどは売春婦だった ― これは歴史的事実である。そもそも「20万人拉致して性奴隷にした」というストーリーは、反日分子が言い出したことだ。また、20万人という数字についても証拠となる史料は存在しない。



「ヨーロッパとアジアで米軍が大規模な強姦をした」などという誤った認識に基づいて 米国大統領が謝罪したら、国立アーリントン墓地をブルドーザーで整地してしまうのと同じくらい退役軍人を貶めることになる。

同様にこの謝罪は、安倍晋三首相が 靖国神社をブルドーザーで整地してしまうようなものだ。



だが、過酷な戦闘を3度も体験した、ある退役米軍将校は 私とは違う考えをもっている。彼の名はアーチ-・ミヤモト(Archie Miyamoto)。


Comment  from Mr. Archie Minamoto:


アーチ-・ミヤモト:  退役米陸軍中尉、朝鮮戦争に2度服務、ベトナム戦争では韓国のタイガー部隊とともに行動した。台湾の軍事顧問を2度  務めた。



もちろん、そんなことをすれば 両国の合意はお流れになり、現在 韓国が瀕している危険な状況を更に悪くする、という不幸をもたらすだろう。
だが、連合国軍の戦時中の資料には、捕獲した朝鮮人慰安婦と雇い主を尋問した結果、彼女らは雇い主と契約した売春婦で、その契約は平均 一年だと書いてある
日本軍は 慰安婦の移送や、治療が必要な場合の医療を施し、雇い主が儲けを慰安婦と平等に折半しているか、を監視した。
「朝鮮人慰安婦は拉致されたものだ」という記録は一切 無い。


韓国人は目を覚まして 現実に向き合うべきだ。

日本を敵国扱いしたり、アメリカの世論を反日に導くことで 何の利益があるというのか?







我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

Japan-USA-Korea relations and the Comfort Women issue
Personally, I sharply disagree with PM Abe apologizing to President Park for something Japan did not do. Namely, kidnap 200,000 sex-slaves. Nearly all were prostitutes -- this is historical fact, and the 200,000 number was plucked from thin air by Japan-haters. There is no historical basis for this number.
Th apology caused some people to completely turn their backs on Shinzo Abe. I was tempted waited before saying much. A cool off period was needed for that one. 
To put this into American perspective, Prime Minster Abe's apology was roughly equivalent to President Obama apologizing to another country saying in essence, yes, the US military during World War II kidnapped and held as sex-slaves 200,000 women across Europe and Asia. There were many rapes by US troops, but Soldiers also were hanged for it, and Japanese also execute some of their own troops for the same.
For a US President, the only thing more he could do to defile veterans after making a false apology of mass rape across Europe and Asia, would be to bulldoze Arlington National Cemetery. 
Likewise, the only thing worse that PM Shinzo Abe can do for Japanese veterans is to bulldoze Yasukuni Jinja. 
In either case, Japan or United States, if someone were to try to bulldoze Yasukuni or Arlington, I do not know what would happen, but it would be bad. If a US President tried to bulldoze Arlington, I would fly straight back to America, and no doubt many Japanese would do the same for Yasukuni.
PM Abe is doing a good job on other crucial issues but many of us are disappointed with this apology.
A retired US Army officer with three combat tours disagrees with me. His name is Archie Miyamoto. I have read many of Archie's words and greatly respect his opinions, and so Archie's opinions give me reason to pause and think.
Archie's opinion is attached and worth reading:
"Archie Miyamoto, Lt Col, U.S. Army served twice in Korea during the Korean War, and during his second tour in Vietnam served with the Korean Tiger Division. He spent two tours as a military advisor in Taiwan, his second as an advisor to says:"

Comment from Mr. Archie Minamoto:

I welcome and support the Prime Minister of Japan’s apology and the signing of the agreement with South Korea to bring final resolution to the comfort women issue. 
While South Korea may have entered into this in good faith, it appears unable to overcome opposition and fulfill its obligations to comply with the spirit of the agreement and is seeking refuge in the fine print.

This, of course, places the entire agreement at risk which is very unfortunate given the dangerous situation presently facing South Korea.
Koreans find fault with Japan’s apology since it does not acknowledge military or government involvement in the recruitment of comfort women. 
U.S./Allied military records of WWII, which include the interrogation of Korean comfort women and their operators, identify the women as prostitutes under contract, usually one year, with their operators. 
Operators were civilians and not employees of nor paid by the Japanese military or government. 
Military involvement consisted of checking credentials and setting the conditions under which the women would be allowed to conduct business. 
The military provided transportation, medical treatment, and saw to it that the operators shared earnings equally with the women. 
Upon repayment to operators of loans advanced to the women and termination of contract, the military provided the women return transportation to their homes. Prostitution at the time was legal and accepted.
There are no records of abduction of Korean comfort women. 
Korea was an annexed part of Japan, not occupied territory. 
Policemen in Korea were Koreans and there were hundreds of thousands of Koreans in the Imperial Japanese Army, some estimate as many as half a million, many as officers and even a few generals. 
There were even a few kamikaze pilots. 
Abduction of Korean women would not have been prudent or even possible unless Korean men are all meek cowards. To even hint at that is an insult.
The issue is now an internal problem for the Korean government to resolve with the Korean people. 

Koreans must wake up to reality. 

There is nothing to be gained by making an enemy of Japan or in turning American public opinion against Japan. 

Without the U.S.–Japan alliance, U.S. defense of South Korea would be very costly if even possible. 

A nuclear-armed North Korea is ready to pounce at any sign of weakness.

 Because of Korea’s warming up to China, American attitude is changing and an increasing number of Americans are calling for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Korea. 

Also, there is considerable opposition in Japan against improving Japan’s cooperation with the U.S. in the defense of other than Japan and anti-Korean sentiment is at an all-time high. 

It is imperative that Koreans put the comfort women to rest and join hands in a solid U.S.-Korea-Japan Alliance or it risks once again becoming a killing field.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


     1)   安全
     2)   清潔
     3)   親切な人がいっぱい!




但し道路は整備されているが交通事情はやや危険かもしれない。物価は( タイに比べたら?) 高めだが、台湾の人々はとても素晴らしい。

我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

Taiwan is Extremely three things:
1) Safe
2) Clean
3) Loaded with extremely nice people
I have only been here two weeks researching WWII issues regarding Japan but can now say at least these three things. Safe, Clean, Friendly. I highly recommend a visit to Taiwan.
Despite news reports to the contrary, nearly every Taiwanese person I have asked is also very pro-Japan. Nobody has expressed anti-Japan sentiment to me. Media reports often make out Taiwan as anti-Japan, such as with China and Korea, but after two weeks I will now say this is false. Taiwanese are obviously generally highly respectful and friendly to Japan. They do not seem to give two hoots about the manufactured "comfort women" issue.
I highly recommend that you come to Taiwan for a visit. The roads are great, but the traffic seems a little dangerous. Prices a little steep but Taiwanese people are fantastic. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

政治的公正/集団ヒステリー(PC/MH)は 精神科のDSM VI に加えるべきだ


米国の精神病の専門家はDSM VI ー 精神異常の統計と診断のマニュアル 第六版― を 診断と治療に利用しているが、そのリストにこれも加えるべきだろう。

 1)   現実からの逃避
 2)   集団で発症
 3)   自滅的振る舞い
 4)   感情( 主に怒り) の爆発
 5)   個人またはグループによる、他者への予測不能な挑発行為
 6)   「避難民歓迎」のポスターを掲げる
 7)    避難民に強姦・強盗されても、加害者が悪いとは言わずに被害者が悪いと言う
 8)    レイプも強奪もされたくない人々を「外国人嫌い」などとレッテルを貼って罵倒する
 9)   平穏に暮らしたいと望んでいる教養のある人々に対して敵対感情を持つ
10)   共産主義と富の再分配を信じ込んでいる
11)   自分は道徳的倫理的に 絶対に正しい、という信念をもつ
12)   自分は他者より 学術的・理論的に優位である、という根拠の無い信念をもつ
13)   自分達のイデオロギーに反する思考は思想犯罪であるとし、死は思考犯罪に対する罰であると信じている
14)   自分には完全なる言論の自由があるが、他人の言論の自由については、法律で厳しく規制すべきであると考える

以上、PC/MHはDSM VIに追加するべきである: 

我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

Political Correctness/Mass Hysteria (PC/MH) should be listed in the DSM VI
Political Correctness (PC) is a mental illness and is a subset behavior of mass hysteria. American mental health experts are keenly familiar with the DSM -- the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This should be added.
Symptoms presented by those suffering from PC/MH include:
1) Obvious departure from reality
2) PC/MH by definition does not occur in a single person and requires group diagnosis. PC/MH is a group behavior.
3) Self-defeating behaviors
4) Emotional outbursts typically involving anger
5) Unpredictable agression by individual or group
6) Displaying signs that say "refugees welcome"
7) Getting raped and robbed by refugees and blaming themselves or others while avoiding blaming the perpetrators
8) Name calling. For instance, calling others who wish not to be raped and robbed "xenophobic"
9) Prejudice against peaceful, educated people who wish to live peaceful lives
10) Belief in communism and wealth redistribution
11) Baseless belief in moral superiority (I am always morally right)
12) Baseless belief in academic superiority (I am always right)
13) Deeply believes in the idea of "thought crimes" and that death is a just penalty for thought crimes.
14) Believes in absolute free speech for self, but that free speech for others should be limited within strict bounds under penalty of law.
PC/MH should be added to the DSM VI:

Thursday, January 7, 2016

日本 と 台湾: メディアの創作した インチキ慰安婦ドラマ



これは中国共産党による日本と我々米国に仕掛けるプロパガンダ戦争の一部である。中国の多くの問題から目をそらさせ、日本を世界で孤立させようというのだ 。もっとも今のところ、成功してはいないが。多くの国は日本を尊敬しているから、こんな馬鹿げたことで日本を見捨てようとはしない。



最近、安倍晋三首相が行った朴大統領への慰安婦の件についての謝罪は、日本と韓国 双方からの両首脳への反発を招いたようだ。

しかしながら数時間前の、北朝鮮による水爆実験の成功のニュースと、今日 韓国の発表した空虚な勇ましい報道で、これら全てのことがとるに足りないことだと思えてきた。

水爆と弾道ミサイルで興奮状態にある北朝鮮は 図にのっている。


我々 米韓が北朝鮮に攻撃を仕掛けるなら、韓国は国家再建に日本の力を必要とするだろう。北朝鮮と闘わなければ、北朝鮮の攻撃は続く。

我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

Japan-Taiwan: More nonsense media hype of the manufactured "comfort women" drama 
Check out this headline:
"Taiwan draws up list of demands for Tokyo on 'comfort women' issue"
This and many other headlines make it sound like Taiwan and Japan have some ongoing dispute. If anything, their relations on a human level seem warmer than that between the US and Canada. 
This is all part of the Chinese Communist propaganda war on Japan and us, designed to deflect attention away from China's many problems while isolating Japan -- which is not working. Too many countries respect Japan and are not going to abandon Japan over this nonsense. 
However, a divide between Korea and Japan does seem to be working on some level. If China can successfully drive a wedge between Korea and Japan, that will be worth a gold medal in the propaganda olympics. 
Obviously Korea, USA, and Japan, need to stick together. China is working to crack that egg and as an opponent China gets grudging respect for its successes to date.
The recent apology from PM Shinzo Abe to President Park for the comfort women issue seems to have backfired on Abe and Park.
Yet in light of a possible successful H-bomb test just hours ago, and South Korea's rhetoric today, this all is beginning to seem trivial.
The idea of North Korea bristling with hydrogen bombs and ballistics missiles is a little much.
Presidents Park and Obama should seriously consider an earth shattering pre-emptive strike that ends this regime finally, and to put Iran on notice.
Little doubt the damage to South Korea would be serious if a pre-emptive strike is launched against North Korea. If that truly was a successful thermonuclear test, the choices are grim. 
If we were to attack North Korea, South Korea likely will need Japan's help with any reconstruction -- North Korea will not die without a fight.

Monday, January 4, 2016


今の韓国の大統領の父である 当時の


。とりわけ一人の紳士は物識りで年齢は65歳。戦争は70年前に終わっている。それで親族に日本軍の軍人となった者がいるかどうか尋ねてみた。すると彼の母親の兄弟にあたる叔父さんが 軍人だったそうだ。






若者が新兵として村を出て行くときは 一種 パレードのようで、人々は道に並んで見送り、大声で激励の言葉をかけたものだった、と紳士は言った。

( 下の写真は、 

我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

Taiwanese Imperial Japan Serviceman
Hundreds of thousands of Korean and Taiwanese men served in the Japanese military during World War II. Few people seem to know this. Even Korean President Park (father of current President Park) had been a Japanese Army officer during the war.
The Taiwanese were called, "Taiwanese Imperial Japan Servicemen".
I spent most of yesterday talking with two Taiwanese men. One in particular was very knowledgable, but only 65 years-old. The war ended 70 years ago. I asked if any of his relatives served in the Japanese military. He recounted the story of his uncle. His mother's brother. 
At the end of yesterday's talk, I asked if he could meet me today. He agreed and today we talked for four hours. I asked again about the story of his uncle.
The gentleman said, according to family history, his uncle had joined the Japanese Imperial Army and was sent to China. In 1945, after Japan was defeated, his uncle was left behind in China with no way home. 
The gentleman does not know how his uncle made it home, but he made it. He had not eaten in two weeks. Nearly starved to death. His mother gathered every scrap of food and he rested in the bed and was constantly eating and two days later he died.
I asked what Taiwanese thought about serving in the Japanese military. He said some were drafted and many volunteered and it was considered a great honor. He said that when young draftees or volunteers departed their villages for duty, they wore a sash emblazoned with their name and some other words. They walked out reporting for duty.
The gentleman said that it was such an honor to fight for the Japanese that the villagers had something of a parade for a new Soldier when he left, including people lining the way, shouting words of encouragement.
Image found on the internet identified as Taiwanese Imperial Japan Servicemen: