Monday, December 28, 2015


日本は犯してもいない犯罪について 自分の顔を指差して非難糾弾する韓国に屈服した。
冤罪だが謝罪したことで、韓国が怒りを鎮めるだろう  と考える者もいる。

1993年から それ以前は慰安婦問題など存在していなかった。


Japan Surrenders -- and lies during the surrender 
Japan did not commit this crime yet just surrendered in the face of an accusing Korean finger. Some people think this false-apology will calm the anger from Korea. It will not. This will enflame Korea who will demand more, more, more...that is the Korean way. PRC will pour on the gasoline. 
We are back to 1993, and beyond. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

日本 ― USA ― 韓国








我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

Japan must not apologize or pay for what it did not do. The Kono Statement was a strategic blunder and there should be no Abe Statement.

Any idea that an apology or payment from Japan will make this go away, is faulted from conception. 

Firstly, Japan did not commit the crime it is accused of committing. 

Secondly, Korea takes any apology as acceptance of guilt and will double down and demand more. There is no honor coming from Seoul. This is a cultural issue as much as it is political. Korean culture carries blood libel as much as many Arabs and others carry the same for Jews. It will not go away. It is here to stay until their primitive cultures grow.

Do not apologize. Do not pay. Be clear. No ambiguity whatsoever. 
The answer to Korea must be clear. Grow up, Korea. Stop being babies. Pound sand. 
And to Korea from one American, stop trying to drag us into your pitiful fight with your disgusting statues and crocodile tears.

Friday, December 25, 2015

慰安婦問題 解決に向けて 日本の外務大臣が 韓国訪問を調整中?!


慰安婦は存在した。強制的に収容されレイプされた件は、インドネシアの19人(多くはオランダ人女性)や 私がビルマで発見した、ほぼ15人の例、そして何人かのフィリピンでのケースなどがある。 しかしほとんどの慰安婦は売春婦で、稼ぎも良かった。我々米軍の記録でも明らかだ。1944年の戦争捕虜レポート49を見てほしい。このレポートは本物だ。私はその信憑性を確認した。レポート49はオンラインで閲覧できる。



IWG最終報告書や戦争捕虜レポート49(その他の資料も含む)を知らずに慰安婦についての記事を書くジャーナリストは 調査をしていないことがわかる。ジャーナリストの風上にもおけない。

我々のチームは、今年、タイ国のバンコクにある国立公文書館に行ってきた。二人の仲間をそこに置いて、私はタクシーである場所へとむかった。公文書館で見つけた資料によると、そこは第二次大戦中に慰安所、すなわち 売春宿があった場所である。行ってみると、なんとその地では今でも売春宿があった。


別の観点からみてみよう。第二次大戦中、多くの日本兵は餓死した。武器も弾薬も十分ではなかった。船も燃料も十分に無いのに、日本軍の司令官達が部下に、セックスのために多くの女性をさらってこいと命令したと、( 中韓のプロパガンダを信用する) ジャーナリストは、本気で考えているのか?


日本政府が韓国政府と安易な妥協をするなら、私が今まで、この問題について調査するために費やした労力や時間は 無駄になってしまう。


我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を応援します。

"Japan foreign minister arranging Seoul visit to settle 'comfort women' row"

Japan should not apologize and should stop acknowledging the whining coming from Korea. The idea that 200,000 to 400,000 women were kidnapped as sex-slaves is a lie. I have researched this in eight countries so far -- it is a huge lie.

There were ianfu (comfort women), and there truly were a handful of cases where women were forcibly detained for sex such as 19 cases in Indonesia (mostly Dutch women), and I found 15 probable cases in Burma. There were a few in Philippines. But the vast majority were prostitutes and making big money. Our own military records reflect this. Look up POW Report 49 from 1944, as example. The report is authentic. I verified its authenticity. Report 49 easily available online.

Sometimes journalists -- who think they know something about this -- ask me how I have come to these ideas. When I ask them if they have read POW Report 49, or the IWG Final Report to Congress on this matter -- practically none of them even have heard of these documents. That is like knocking on my door pretending to know about Christmas having never heard of a the Bible. A total fail. Instant lose. Any journalist who writes about the comfort women issue who has not read the IWG report, and POW Report 49 (and some other work), has completely failed and gets an F on research.

Our team was at the Thai national archives this year, in Bangkok, and I left two of our teammates there and I took a taxi to a place we found in the archives. It was a World War II Japanese ianfu station. A brothel. There was still a brothel there!

Nobody has to kidnap Koreans into prostitution. Our immigration can't keep the Korean prostitutes out.

Put it another way -- many Japanese forces during WWII literally were starving to death. They did not have enough bullets. Does any journalist seriously think that a Japanese general ordered a bunch of women to be kidnapped for sex when they did not even have enough ships and fuel?

Were the Koreans -- hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese military -- so cowardly that they allowed their women to be kidnapped off, and never said a word about it for decades?

The Japanese government makes me wonder why I spend my time researching this. Clearly it did not happen. It is time for Japan to stand up and tell Korea to pound sand.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


朴 教授の犯罪:彼女が見つけ出した真実は国側の公式見解と一致しなかった。だが それを彼女は発表した。

「性奴隷」の物語は中国の大仕掛けな情報戦争の一部であり、韓国による日本人差別でもある。事実、韓国人は差別主義者であり自分達の間でも激しく差別し、その結果 感じる劣等感を日本に転化することで直視するのを避けているのである。これは韓国政府が自国の問題から国民の目をそらせるための都合の良い政治的手段ともなっている。


私がこの問題について話した軍関係の専門家達は皆、この慰安婦問題が嘘であることをすぐに理解した。 実際に戦争体験があると理解は更にはやい。退役軍人ならば問題の欺瞞にすぐに気づく。


戦争中、敵はたっぷりいたが兵士や物資が不足している日本軍で、数十万人もの女性を拉致して、彼女らを食べさせ、警護し、移動させる。。。、その上、女性をさらわれて怒っている地域のひと達が戦いを挑んでくるのに対処しなければ ならない.......そんなことを命令するほど日本軍は大馬鹿だったのか?

朝鮮人も多くの女性達がさらわれるのを抵抗せずに、されるがままにしていたのか? これは「祖父は臆病者でした」と言っていることに等しい。
実際 そうなのか!?朝鮮人のお祖父さん達は臆病者の集まりだったのか?それともこの話は元々大嘘だったのか?


その事実とは、アメリカ人が咀嚼せずに飲み込んだ、メイド イン チャイナ /コリアの巨大な嘘、である。


我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を支援します。

"Disputing Korean Narrative on ‘Comfort Women,’ a Professor Draws Fierce Backlash"
Professor Park's crime: She searched for truth, and the truth she found did not fit the official narrative and she told it anyway. 
The 'sex-slave' narrative is part of a huge Chinese information war, and also Korean racism towards Japanese. Actually Koreans are racists towards themselves and have an inferiority complex which they avoid by lashing out at Japanese. This also is a convenient political mechanism to avoid addressing problems in Korea.
Meanwhile, back in America, many university professors have swallowed the Chinese and Korean bait, and they actually believe that 200,000 to 400,000 women were kidnapped as sex slaves. These academics are amazingly gullible and naive when they believe this. 
Military professionals with whom I have spoken see the fallacy in the argument within minutes. Especially people who have been to war. Veterans see organic fallacies in the accusations.
For instance, during World War II, Japanese were perpetually short of troops and supplies. Some Japanese troops even starved to death. Sometimes they were ordered never to fire their rifles unless they actually saw a target. By comparison, Americans are more like, "He might be in those bushes," and we fire a thousand rounds at a bunch of bushes.
During time of war, when Japanese were short of everything except enemy, does anyone truly think that a Japanese general would be dumb enough to send troops to kidnap hundreds of thousands of women, feed them, guard them transport them...and fight back the communities they angered by kidnapping their women?
Did Koreans actually allow so many of their women to be kidnapped without fighting back? That would mean their grandfathers are cowards. So what is it? Are Korea's grandfathers a bunch of cowards, or is this all a big lie?
We know the answer. It is a big lie which is carried by American authors such as Laura Hillenbrand, and by university professors from coast to coast. 
Only a few people like Professor Park have the guts to stand up and call this what it is. A big Chinese and Korean lie that Americans swallow without chewing.

Sunday, December 13, 2015



More nonsense from China.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

アジアの「慰安婦」を追跡する〜マレーシア ペナン島




(もちろん私は法律家ではない — しかし私が陸軍に所属していたときにこのことは頭にたたき込まれた。)









私が受けた軍のトレーニングに従うと、たとえ捕虜が神風であったとしても、他に打ち落とされて捕虜となった飛行士たちと同じように法律に従って対処する義務がある。私の経験から言ってこのことは 99% 確信がある。(神風が攻撃してきて衝突した後に、あるいは途中で打ち落とされて、捕虜となった例があるのだろうか? 私は知らない。)










我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を支援します。

Kamikaze vs. Islamic Suicide attacker: Some differences
The French publication LeMonde compared the Paris suicide attackers wth Kamikaze. This upset some Japanese who are keen on precision use of words. This is something I enjoy about Japanese. They expect the right word for the right situation.
Differences between Kamikaze and Islamic suicide attackers are immense. Any professional US military person will recognize these differences.
Islamic suicide attackers are in nearly all cases criminals due to their acts. (Not that I am an attorney -- but the Army crammed these things into my head when I was in uniform.)
In the vast majority of cases, Islamic suicide bombers are not in uniform. That is a bad start. Often they hit military targets, which is fine, but usually they are not in uniform, and that is not fine. That is illegal.
Other times, such as in Paris and San Bernardino, attackers were not in uniform and they struck non-combatants.
The non-combatants in Paris were not collateral casualties during the course of an attack on a military target. The civilians were the main target.
This is absolutely illegal in war and in peace.
Kamikaze are something else entirely. They were not committing war crimes (to my knowledge).
Kamikaze were engaging legally in a declared war. We were preparing to invade Japan and they were protecting their people and country.
Kamikaze were young men wearing recognizable uniforms of their country.
They were flying marked, military aircraft.
Their targets were mostly our armed warships.
Unfortunately targets were US ships and I do not like that part, but our ships were fair military targets during time of war and therefore legal to sink.
If a Kamikaze were shot down and captured, I am unaware of any crime with which we could charge him.
Based on my training, I think we would be obligated to treat the Kamikaze like any downed airman, according to the rule of law. I am 99% sure of this based on my own Army training. (Was a Kamikaze ever captured after crashing or being shot down? I do not know.)
It is my belief as a non-attorney that immediately after hostilities ended and the treaties signed, we would be obligated to return the Kamikazes along with any other POWs under our care. (We are obligated to care for POWs.)
On a separate note, if Kamikaze were American fliers, we would likely have awarded every last one of them the Medal of Honor. Unfortunately they were the enemy.
Some American veterans I have asked about this are in agreement. None of us like that Kamikaze were hitting our people, but there is grudging respect for such warriors.
Another big difference is that Kamikaze who did not die, did not act like crazy people and start stealing airplanes after the war and continue to attack. When they were ordered that the war was over, the war was over. (If there were any exceptions to this, please educate me. Many Japanese did fight on for many years.)
Islamic jihadists however can go to prison for years, and then get out and commit suicide attacks. Their recidivism is real and of serious concern.
After the war, surviving Japanese mostly went back and rebuilt Japan. Kamikaze were sacrificing their lives for their people.
Yet suicide jihadists do not even think they are dying (in many cases). They often make videos before they die, in which they state some of their goals.
Most jihadists suicide attackers die greedily, for their virgins or whatever they were promised, and to sit with their 'god.'
Kamikaze were honorable enemies. Jihadists are brainwashed and greedy.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


「日本、またもや捕鯨 開始」
"Japanese Begins Controversial Whale Hunt"


マスコミが日本の捕鯨に大騒ぎするのは毎年の恒例行事であるが、韓国など 他の捕鯨国については一切報道しないのは どうしたわけか?



私は牛肉が好物だ。しかしヒンズー教徒は異教徒でも牛肉を食べるのを嫌がる。 オーストラリア人の多くは日本の捕鯨に悪印象をもっている。だが オーストラリア人だって可愛いカンガルーを食べているではないか。「カンガルーは牛肉と同じくらい、いやそれ以上に美味しい」と。



むしろ、「そうです。これから捕鯨をしに行くところです。あなたが捕鯨を好きか嫌いかどうか、我々は気にとめません。もしもこの船を沈めようとするなら我々もそちらの船を沈めます。だからちょっと離れて、ご自分の好物のカンガルーや犬猫 を食べていてください」とでも言ってやればよいのだ。


我々 マイケル ヨン チームも日本を支援します。

"Japanese Begins Controversial Whale Hunt"
They are hunting a tiny number of Minke whales. According to reports, 333 per year. According to estimates I have read, there are hundreds of thousands of Minke whales and they are not endangered. 
Notice that the same annual media uproar does not happen against Korean and other whaling countries. 
Whale meat is a traditional Japanese food. Personally, I do not like to see whales killed because they are cute and I like whales, even though I never have had a whale friend. 
But I have had dog and cat friends and Koreans wolf them down by the truckload. I do not like this.
I like beef, but Hindus do not like that we eat beef. Many Australians are upset that Japanese take the whales, but then Australians eat cute kangaroos. Kangaroo is yummy! As good or better than beef. 
If the Minke whales were endangered, I would be angry with Japanese for doing this, but they are not endangered, and Japanese need to eat, too.
However, Japanese whalers make a big mistake by calling this research. Everyone can see this is a whale hunt. It is far better to say, "Yes, we are going whale hunting. We do not care if you like it. And if you try to sink our boat, we will sink your boat. Now hop away and eat your kangaroos and dogs and cats."