Saturday, October 31, 2015


賞金 1000 ドル:UNBROKEN の筆者 ローラ・ヒレンブランドの主張する 「日本軍の大量虐殺」の証拠を見つけた人には  1000ドル進呈

ベストセラー作家のローラ・ヒレンブランドは、本の中で、1944年、日本軍がテ二アン島で5千人もの韓国人を殺したと2度も書いている。出版社にも連絡を取ったが、これに関する回答は得られなかった。 ヒレンブランドの取材も拒否してきた。(私は10年ほど前に別の件で彼女に取材したことがある。)


島は米軍の部隊で溢れていたが、当時、侵攻前に大規模な殺人が行われた、との報告は無かったし、多くの朝鮮人がまだ島に居たことを ニューヨークタイムズ紙が報道している。

「これはヒレンブランドの本だから( 間違いないだろう)・・」と、多くの人がそう言う。それもそうだ。そこで我々は本の巻末資料のリストをチェックしてみた。するとその資料はゴミ箱に捨ててあった書き損じの紙を拾ってきたようなものだった。 


証拠を示す責任は 責められる側(この場合は日本軍)にある、という者もいる。そういう理屈はまるで昔の東ドイツか北朝鮮のようでナンセンスだ。

そうかと思うと、またとんでもない想像の飛躍から、こう言ってくる。「あれ?お前は日本人がなんの戦争犯罪も犯さなかったとでも言いたいのか? バターン死の行進や死の鉄道のことはどうなんだ?」 

正義と真実が重んじられる国では、全てのケースは理非曲直に取り扱われなければならない。 十分に吟味されなければならない。ましてや5千人を殺したとの申し立ては少なくとも5千件の戦争犯罪に相当する。 戦争犯罪に時効は無い。

、黙るか、どちらにするか決めるべきときに来ている。私は 自分の金を出して自分の説を証明する。

米国公文書館など信頼性の高い情報源から証拠を見つけた人は、千ドルを受け取って、ヒレンブランドの無実の罪を晴らすことになる。しかし誰も証拠を見つけられなかったら— 我々は見つけることができなかった— 私はその千ドルを、十分な証拠も無しに(誰かを陥れるような)申し立てが行われるたびに使用する。


$1,000 Reward: I am offering $1,000 to anyone who can Prove Laura Hillenbrand's allegations of a massive Japanese War Crime
Bestselling author Laura Hillenbrand twice accused Japanese of killing 5,000 Koreans on Tinian Island in 1944. I have contacted her publisher who declines to comment, or to provide an interview with Hillenbrand. (I interviewed her about ten years ago on a separate matter.)
Shortly after the period described in her book, the United States invaded the tiny Island of Tinian. Soon Tinian was the busiest airport in the world. We used it to firebomb and drop two atomic bombs on Japan. 
The island was flooded with US troops and there were no allegations from that period that any mass murder had occurred. The New York Times reported that many Koreans were still on the island. 
Many people have said that because this is in Hillenbrand's book, it must be true. We checked her sources listed in the appendix. She might as well have used pieces of paper she found in a waste bin as sources. Truly amateur hour. 
Hillenbrand cites two sources. One source appears prima facie fraudulent. The other is prima facie hearsay. She cites no source documents and we have been unable to locate any source documents that support Hillenbrand's claim. The New York Times article from Tinian in 1945 is a direct refutation. 
Some say the burden of proof is on the accused. This is nonsense and sounds like something from former East Germany or North Korea.
Others make a wild leap of imagination and say, "Oh, you are saying Japanese committed no war crimes? What about Bataan or the Death Railway?" I was just at Bataan and the Death Railway this year. War crimes definitely occurred, as they did in Burma, where I also researched this year. 
But in a country where justice and truth are important, every case must be taken on its merits. Every case must be examined on its own. Alleging that 5,000 people were mass murdered is at least 5,000 war crimes, and there is no statute of limitations on war crimes.
Time to put up or shut up. I have put my money where my mouth is. 
If someone finds proof from US archives or some highly credible source, that is $1,000 well spent and exonerates Hillenbrand. If nobody can find it -- we have been unable to find proof -- I keep the $1,000 and continue to republish this when people make unsubstantiated allegations.
There it is. $1,000 on the table. Waiting for someone to claim it.


Thursday, October 29, 2015


韓国の慰安婦像に同調するために 中共は自国版の慰安婦像を造っている。
日本国民を憎しみの対象にしたてあげるために、中共は、博物館を建て、反日ミュージカル、映画や 本に資金を出し、おまけに慰安婦像をあちこちに建てている。

このことは、中共が日本に対して激しく攻撃している戦争状態だということを示している。 それに気づいている人はどれくらい いるのだろうか?


China continues to Sponsor Hatred against Japan
Now China is making their own comfort woman statue to keep the Korean comfort woman statue company. Their propaganda machine seems to have bottomless funding. They open museums, sponsor musicals, movies, books, and are installing these statues to build hatred against Japanese people. 
Those few who are paying attention realize that China is on a march to a hot war against Japan.


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Saturday, October 24, 2015




“A New Look at Japan’s Wartime Atrocities and a U.S. Cover-Up”


Comment and Reply
チャールズ イーベンソン II
マイケル、731部隊がいたことを否定するのか? それとも単に米国がそれを隠蔽したと言いたいのか?

マイケル ヨン
情報源を調べるべきだと言っている — それは嘘つき中国だ — 動機も。常に情報源と動機に注意を払え。常に。。。例外は無い。

これはやつらのやり口だ。最初にミュージアムを建設する。あちこちからか取ってきた適当な写真を展示する、あたりかまわずそこら中に、PLOのように、しかし客はそれがうその写真かどうかなんてことには興味が無い。 — それで作り話をそえる、などなど。


China: Information Warfare Against Japan and USA
It has been on against Japan for decades. Notice my writing for the last year that it will turn on the USA. Here goes.

--- comment and reply ---

Charles Eavenson II Michael are you denying that Unit 731 existed? Or just that the US covered it up?

Michael Yon
Michael Yon Charles Eavenson II I am saying consider the source -- lying China -- and the motivation. Always consider the source and motivation. Always... No free passes. China has invested massive time and resources into the sex-slave lies, which are proven lies.

This is their modus operandi. They open museums. Plant false pictures that came from somewhere else -- and get busted left and right like the PLO but people ignore it -- plant stories, etc. They are masters at lying.


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Saturday, October 17, 2015




ベトナム戦争当時、まだ私が少女だった頃、うちが経営していた茶店の近くに駐屯していた韓国軍の兵士達に母と私は強姦され、二人とも妊娠しました。韓国は米国と同盟関係にあったので 助けを求めに行くところは何処にもありませんでした。私達を強姦した韓国兵は未だに法の裁きを受けていません。




Apologize for the Systemic Rape of Vietnamese Women During the Vietnam War

Korean Rapists: Vietnamese are Calling for Justice
Korean lies are staring to backfire in unexpected ways:
"When I was a young girl, my mother and I were both raped by South Korean soldiers who were based near our tea shop during the Vietnam War. We both became pregnant from our assaults. South Korea was America’s ally, so there was nowhere to go for help, and the soldiers who raped us were never brought to justice.
"Our lives were destroyed. My father left our family because my mother was raped. I didn’t want anyone to know I had been raped so I said nothing. I was very young; I thought it was my fate and I just had to accept it. But now, I am older, and I am angry.
"Sadly, my story is not unique. Thousands of Vietnamese women like me were raped by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War. The South Korean government has never apologized nor acknowledged this systematic brutalization at the hands of their soldiers during the war. Now I am calling for justice and I need your help."


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お勧め記事: 今日、何を読もうか迷っているならば、これを!

1951年4月19日 米国議会記録   ダグラス・マッカーサー元帥の証言 (トルーマン ライブラリー、 トルーマン文書)

ある海軍将校が私に これを読むようにと送ってきた。それは、マッカーサー元帥の証言記録だった。1951年当時のことが今でも当てはまるから読むように、と言う理由だ。確かにこれは今現在の状況にぴったりあてはまる。まるでマッカーサー元帥は水晶玉を通して 未来を視ていたかのようだ。








If You Read One thing Today, make it this:
Transcript of General Douglas MacArthur's Address to Congress, April 19, 1951. President's Secretary's Files, Truman Papers.
A Marine officer sent it to me and told me to read it, saying it is as applicable today as it was in 1951. If anything, it is even more applicable, as if General MacArthur was peering through a crystal ball.
Definitely US military people should read this, as should Japanese, Filipinos, Aussies, Singaporeans, Thais, Vietnamese, and others in the area. General MacArthur saw the future with amazing clarity.


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Wednesday, October 14, 2015



 スチュアート・ハリス 「広く認知されている歴史」 いったいだれによってだ? だまされやすい大馬鹿者によってか? これについてお前が何も知っていないのは明らかだ。 今、お前は自分の飛び切りの無知をさらけ出した。 私はこの主題について実際に八カ国を渡り歩いて調べた。お前は自分自身を自省しろ。いくら無知を自慢しても真実にはこれっぽっちも近づかない。

Today's comment and reply

Stuart Harris
 Michael, get a grip. Please explain this obsession you have with Korea, rape, women, Japan, etc. and your need to revise accepted history. Start from the beginning, and write a well researched paper on what you are doing, and what you believe to be true. You're getting a little weird, maybe?

Michael Yon
 Stuart Harris "Accepted history"? Accepted by? Suckers? There is no doubt that you know nothing about this topic. You just expressed magnificent ignorance. I have physically researched this topic in eight countries so far. Get a grip on yourself. Embracing ignorance does not make truth.


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Sunday, October 11, 2015

実は 反日聖堂ーーーペナンの戦争「博物館」

この「 博物館」では、中共が反日情報戦争に関わっている明らかな証拠を見つけた。博物館の館長や学芸員たちが、最近、北京に招待されたという証拠だ。しかも反日行事に参加するためである。

私の読者の中にはこの情報が重要であろう人もいるので、その参加者全員の名簿を 写真に撮っておいた。もちろんペナン島にいる間は公表しなかったので彼らの注意をひくことは無かったことを 付け加えておく。 だが申し訳ないことに、写真のいくつかはぼやけてしまっている。光の量が少ない上に、携帯電話のカメラで撮ったためでもある。お許し願いたい。

もしも旅行者がペナン島で、この博物館だけを訪れたとしたら、ペナンの人々は日本人を嫌っていると思うだろう。だが私はこの島に滞在している間、日本人やほかの外国人について どう思っているか、住民にきいてみた。

ほとんどの場合、彼らは自分の狭い世界で生活していて、外人をどう思うか、など考えていないようだ。それでもなお私が答えを促すと、彼らは日本人、ヨーロッパ人、タイ人に対しては好意を持っていると答えた。 アメリカ人に対しても良い感情を懐いてはいるが、米国政府の外交政策については非常にネガティブな反応だった。(我々アメリカ人も自分の国の外交政策のほとんどに否定的な考えをもっているようだが。) 










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Penang War 'Museum' -- more of an anti-Japanese shrine
At the 'museum" we found more direct evidence of Chinese involvement in the anti-Japan information war. The curator and other museum curators had recently been invited to an event in Beijing. Basically an anti-Japan convention. 
Knowing that some folks who read my page might find value in this information, I photographed the entire roster of attendees. I did not publish this while in Penang so as not to draw attention. My apology that a few of the images are blurry. The light was a little low and these were made with my phone camera.
If a tourist were to only visit this museum, he might come away thinking that the people of Penang hate Japanese, but I spent much time there on the island asking people about their feelings toward Japanese and others. Mostly people seem to not being paying attention and are naturally wrapped up in their own worlds, but invariably when I pushed for answers they were positive towards Japanese, Europeans and Thais. Positive towards American people but very negative towards our foreign policy. (Well, we also seem mostly negative to our foreign policy.) 
They were negative to very negative toward Koreans, Chinese, Indians, and Arabs. 
I saw one Arab in Penang get into a big fight and get cracked over the head with a pool stick. The pool stick broke and he took a few steps and collapsed and people started kicking him (he had it had to be there), and some Malaysian man stepped in and saved him. 
Then he woke up and started fighting again. He was from Kuwait. Soon his shoes were off and he was fighting barefooted on broken glass. 
I did not help him because he had been praising Osama bin Laden. The fight had four of five rounds and he got knocked out a couple times but he was like Rocky. Got to give him credit for spirit.
Once while he was knocked out, another man nearly nearly smashed his head in with a heavy wooden chair (it probably would have killed him), but an Indian stepped in and saved him that time.
Lesson from that was that pool sticks are not as effective in real life as in the movies. An Indian man told me that if he wanted to behave like that he should go back to an Arab country! I agreed. He should go back to Kuwait. I told the Indian man (who hit him) that he needs better pool sticks. He just laughed and said yes, I need a better stick. 
These images are a little out of order. Please scroll through to see all the signatures.

Friday, October 9, 2015


今、日本の雑誌に頼まれて記事を書いている。 それでペナン島での調査を記録したノートや写真をみているのだが、その中には「ペナン戦争博物館」も含まれる。


正確に 言うと、博物館というより「リプリーの嘘か実か」('Ripley's Believe it or Not’)と「お化け屋敷」、それと「サバイバルゲームのコース」をごちゃ混ぜにしたようなものだ。つまりその、いわゆる博物館は、お化け屋敷を兼ねていて、その一部としてサバイバルゲームのコースもあると言えばわかりやすい。

このお化け屋敷の中には 巨大で恐ろしげな生き物が木のてっぺんに潜んでいたり、怪談話などが詰まっていて、まったくもってこの世のものとは思われない不気味さだった。

「リプリーの嘘か実か」で言えば、たしかに原子爆弾の模型があるが、それは実物のリトルボーイやファットマンとは全く似ても似つかないものだ。 どでかい手榴弾や、神風パイロットが着用したベスト(胴着)などというのもある。

神風ベストの 説明には、1941年12月10日、戦艦プリンス・オブ・ウェールズと巡洋戦艦レパルスは神風特攻隊によって破壊された、とある。



もし日本人が、「そんな理不尽なことはなかった」と異議を唱えたら、右翼の歴史修正主義者・軍国主義者・あるいはただの頭が狂った変人 などとレッテルを貼るのだ。





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Anti-Japanese Propaganda on Penang Island, Malaysia 
I am working hard on a magazine article for a Japanese magazine. 
In doing so, am going over notes, photos, etc., from our Penang research. Part of that research included visiting the Penang War 'Museum.'
'Museum' is a generous term. 
It was more a mix of 'Ripley's Believe it or Not', a haunted house, and a paintball course. Yes, it actually doubles as a haunted house, and there is a paintball course as part of the museum. 
Cannot make up this stuff.
The haunted house part includes big, scary creatures up in a tree, spooky stories, and more. Truly weird. 
As for the "Ripley's Believe it or Not" aspects, there is a mockup of an atomic bomb that does not resemble Little Boy or Fat Man -- not even vaguely. There is the giant hand grenade, and much more, including the suicide vest for Kamikaze pilots.
Right. Suicide vest for kamikaze pilots. 
Cannot make up this stuff.
And then the sign above the 'suicide vest,' stating that Kamikaze destroyed the Prince of Wales and Repulse on 10 December 1941. 
The British ships were destroyed with normal airstrikes, not Kamikaze. 
The Kamikaze 'Special Attack Force' did not crank up until the war was nearly lost in 1944.
This same museum makes equally spurious claims about Japanese taking sex-slaves. 
And if any Japanese stand up and say this is all nonsense, they are labeled rightwing revisionists, nationalists warmongers, or just kooks.
Americans who have travelled to Vietnam and toured war museums -- as have I -- are often shocked, saddened, or angry at the portrayal of US troops and the United States. 
Yet when Japanese express the same feelings about lies towards Japan -- obvious lies -- we say they are revisionists.
Lies are lies, and we should never accept them, even when those lies are about former enemies.