Sunday, August 30, 2015



















Blogger 塾長 さんは書きました...
マイケル ヨンがついに”アジア解放論”へ舵を切りました。マイケルの昨日のブログより引用します。私の翻訳です。

マイケルのフェース ブックに何度も戦勝解放論の英訳論文を投稿してきましたが、その甲斐があったようです。よかったよかった。



ありがとう、Arigatou Michael!
<< 管理人より塾長さんへ:ありがとうございます。

comment on the FB> 「カンチャナバル」ではなく、「カンチャナブリ」ですね。
Japanese as Liberators in Asia
Last night we arrived from Jakarta, Indonesia to Kanchanaburi, Thailand to continue research on comfort woman issue. 
This morning we will meet with a Thai professor and author who happened to research this issue for a book about railways. (Interestingly, I saw a Japanese flag flying in Kanchanaburi last night.)
Yesterday I published that the United States helped Indonesia obtain independence after World War II. This was met with criticism on and offline. Many people said it is not true. It is true. My words were accurate. 
Japan is widely criticized for its brief Imperial history. The reality is not so simple. Please take a look at the images below, which I made in a war museum in Jakarta. 
Western imperialism blanketed Asia and indeed much of the world. 
Before World War II, we were actively attacking Japan with, for instance, the Flying Tigers, and we were trying to strangle Japanese with the ABCD. (Americans, British, Canadians, Dutch.)
Japan tried to negotiate but finally lashed out with devastating consequences, for instance by veritably crushing the Dutch who and brutally occupied Indonesia for more than three centuries, not to mention Pearl Harbor and more.
Down in Indonesia, the Japanese publicly treated the Dutch the way the Dutch had treated the locals. 
Japanese humiliated and shamed the Dutch publicly to show locals that they were not Gods. 
Japanese broke the myth of Asian inferiority, and they did similar in other places, such as here in Kanchanaburi, site of a very large allied cemetery (which I photographed in great detail some years ago and published online), and "Bridge over River Kwai," which is a short walk from where I write these words.
Japanese were often harsh with prisoners, such as here in Kanchanaburi and over in Bataan, Philippines, where I researched earlier this year. Many of the prison guards actually were Koreans in the Japanese Army, but I digress.
Down in Indonesia, Japanese were setting conditions for Indonesian independence. 
Example: Dutch treated the locals as inferior people and wanted them to speak their local languages. Japanese treated them as equals (though recruited many in the war effort) and encouraged them to speak one language so that they could unite. 
Most importantly, Japanese taught confidence to the Indonesians. The Dutch did not like this.
Japanese also trained Indonesians how to fight and organize. 
After the atomic bombs the war was over and Japanese were ordered from home to surrender, which mostly they did, though some fought on for decades in different places. 
In Indonesia, many Japanese disobeyed orders and did not return back to Japan. They stayed to fight alongside Indonesians for their independence. (There is more to the story but this is it in a nutshell.)
This is where America comes in: Of course Nazi Germany had also invaded Netherlands which we helped liberate, and the allies defeated the Germans. Europe and Japan were shattered. 
The United States then wisely implemented the Marshall Plan to rebuild. 
Meanwhile, Netherlands wanted its imperial space back, and began to move to retake Indonesia. The United States threatened to cut reconstruction aid to Netherlands if the Dutch retook Indonesia.
The Dutch backed off. 
Japan had set the conditions for success. 
Without Japan, Indonesia would have remained a Dutch slave state. Japanese deserve the bulk of the credit and are today revered in Indonesia. 
Indonesians deserve much self-credit because they fought hard for their freedom, and the United States deserves a little credit for helping to seal the situation. There is no doubt that Japanese started a cascade which smashed western imperialism in Asia.
But then Indonesia began its own imperialism. There are no innocent victims in all this, and nobody was perfectly evil.
I can say this about today: In my numerous trips to Indonesia, I never had a bad day. Indonesian people have been extremely likable and they love to talk with westerners, and they are fun to talk with. 
And now it is 0915 here, and we must meet the Thai author at 1000, and so it is time to close. Have a great day.

War Crimes by Japanese -- Kachanaburi, Thailand

War Crimes by Japanese -- Kachanaburi, Thailand
I have come to Kachanaburi several times and am now sitting with a view of the allied cemetery where nearly 7,000 allies are buried. Many war crimes were committed here though most deaths were due to malaria, cholera, and other diseases. The men were underfed and overworked and especially vulnerable. 
Some guards were fair, while others were beasts and later would get life in prison or the rope. Still other guards received sentences ranging from one day to years, and others were not put on trial. 
At one museum today there was an old newspaper that told a funny story about "The Frog." That humorous passage is attached here. It mentions that The Frog was Korean.
At another museum by the cemetery, a display shows that The Frog got the death penalty. He has a Japanese name. Despite that so many modern Koreans claim they hate Japanese, it is a fact that many of their ancestors took Japanese names.

Saturday, August 22, 2015




フラトンでの勝利は朝鮮戦争の退役軍人、ロバート・ワダ 氏によるところが大きい。彼は人々に慰安婦について教育することに努力してきた。ワダ氏は朝鮮のために戦った戦争で彼の友人を亡くした。ワダ氏も彼らも日系アメリカ人だった。韓国の自由のために戦ったのに米国に帰ると韓国からの憎しみにむかえられた。




Japan: Good News from Australia and possibly from California
The city of Strathfield, Australia, has permanently squashed the 'comfort-women' statue proposal. City council members realized after seeing the facts that the narrative of widespread kidnapping of sex-slaves in World War II is untrue. More importantly, they saw the hatred being poured onto Japanese who are not even born until after the war. So the good government of Strathfield said NO. 6-0 vote against the statue.
A similar proposal was made in Fullerton, California. We believe that this also was squashed this week. I have held off on mentioning this because it remains unconfirmed, though sources in Japan and the US tell me that it is squashed. 
Credit for the Fullerton effort is going to a Korean War Veteran named Robert Wada who engaged to educate people on the issues. Mr. Wada lost friends in Korea fighting for Korea. Mr. Wada and they were Japanese-Americans and it saddens Mr. Wada that they fought for Korea's freedom only to face Korean hatred today back in America. 
I have read some of Mr. Wada's well-written and heartfelt letters. He fought and his friends died only to be repaid with hatred.
I contacted Mr. Wada and he is unsure if the Fullerton issue is settled, though other sources say that it is. Still awaiting confirmation. I hope that it is settled as this will save me a trip to Fullerton. (Our team including me already went once.)
More news from our friends in Australia:


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Tuesday, August 18, 2015


脅し、侮辱的な言動、タイヤの切り裂き: 慰安婦記念像建設計画での騒動


ストラスフィールド市議会は 6対0で、像の建立にNOとの回答を突きつけた。ストラスフィールドにおける像の建立は許されない。賢明な選択だった。


Australia: "Threats, insults and tyres slashed in Strathfield over planned comfort women memorial"
The Strathfield city council was put into a tough position. After much deliberation, they realized that this statue proposal was not about peace but about building hatred based on a vast fiction. The Strathfield city council said no, in a 6-0 vote, they will not allow this statue in their community. Wise indeed.
Glendale, California made an opposite decision and they have had trouble ever since.


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Wednesday, August 12, 2015



これは論争を巻き起こす質問で、未だに議論のまとでもある。アイリスチャン ― 「レイプオブ南京」を書いたことで知られる精神的に病気の著者 ― は30万人としている。

しかし中国人というのはとてつもない誇大表現で有名だし、彼女はグローバルアライアンス(Global Alliance:世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会)とぐるであった。中国人の情報マシンであるグローバルアライアンスはアイリスチャンをリクルートしてその本を後押しした。





ドキュメンタリー映画の全ての場面で日本人は邪悪な野獣として描かれている ― 当時は戦争をしていたのでそれは当然だ。中身はそんな調子ではあるが中には重要な情報も含まれている。








Nanking Massacre -- How many were killed?
This has been a contentious question and subject of ongoing debates. Iris Chang -- the mentally ill author who is credited with writing "The Rape of Nanking" -- put the number at 300,000. 
But Chinese are famous for massive exaggerations, and she was working hand-in-glove with Global Alliance. Global Alliance is a Chinese information machine and they recruited Iris Chang and pushed the book. 
The more I study the issue the more I suspect that Chang is not the author of the book, or at least she was guided. Heavily guided.
In Tokyo, I spoke with Dr. Ikuhiko Hata, a famous and highly respected historian of international repute. Dr. Hata put the number of killed at Nanking at maybe 40,000. 
But of course Chinese say Dr. Hata is lying because he is Japanese. 
I have been looking back at our own anti-Japanese propaganda for clues. 
Every sentence of the documentaries tries to portray the Japanese as evil beasts -- we were at war so that is natural. Despite the tone, there are gems of information.
And so it is interesting that at the 27 minute mark in this film, the US actually agrees with Dr. Hata and puts the number at 40,000. 
Which obviously is a huge number, but is not the wild-eyed baseless accusation of 300,000. Truth does matter. 
I would like to speak with Iris Chang and see her source documents, but that is impossible because she was mentally ill and shot herself in the head. 
More recently as we have been researching claims that 200,000 to 400,000 women were kidnapped as sex slaves, we have completely debunked the accusation. It is a stone cold lie, just as Iris Chang lied (if she even wrote the book) about Nanking.
The ianfu (comfort women) system did exist, but they were highly paid prostitutes. Source documents are bountiful describing the prostitution, but nobody has found a single source document that talks about mass abductions.
Also noteworthy is that of all these old films that demonize Japanese, nobody has found one (to my knowledge) that even mentions mass abduction or sex-slaves. If Japanese had been doing this, we would have known and used it for propaganda. 
Just more lies from China, and Korea.
Please see the 27 minute mark:


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

オーストラリア — ストラスフィールドの慰安婦像の可否について投票がまもなく、二時間以内にはじまる。







Australia -- Voting on Comfort Women statue for Strathfield should occur in less than two hours
I travelled to Strathfield recently on this issue, and was in communication with folks there today on the vote tonight. 
My feeling is that the statue will not be approved but we will not know until about 1930 local time, Sydney. (Strathfield, actually.)
I talked with a member of the city government today who said the community is overwhelmingly against the statue. They realize that locally this is just a small group of Koreans and Chinese trying to bring hatred against Japanese, and they have a peaceful and racially mixed town and want to keep it that way. 
(Many Koreans and Chinese do not want the statue in Strathfield.) 
The member I spoke with today also realizes this is part of something much larger and is led by people who are trying to divide our alliances and relationships between Japan, USA, Australia, and more.
Again, my feeling at this time is that the the statue will not be permitted. But we will not know until about 1930, Sydney time, about 90 minutes from now.


Monday, August 10, 2015


















USA, Japan, China, more: a REAL propaganda film
Many of us in the United States were raised seeing similar films. Japanese and others also had serious propaganda machines -- this was by no means a one-sided affair. 
But now older with more knowledge and experience, I watch these old films in amazement, knowing that similar films are still released today. And they work.
Fast forward to the 13 minute mark and watch in amazement as the filmmakers somehow blame Japan's invasion of Manchuria on the rise of Mussolini, NAZI invasions, etc. etc. 
The filmmakers must have been incredibly confident that their target audiences were barely literate, gullible fools. Well, it worked, so they judged their audience well.
Today China is doing something similar, on an industrial scale.
Before the wars that I was in, I studied cults for a time. Understanding cult dynamics can be an invaluable tool to keep in your mental kit. We are, quite literally, surrounded by cults, and many people reading this are no doubt members of cults and might not even realize this. 
One of the most important lessons I learned in my study of cults is that the only cult that people cannot see, is the cult they are in. We can readily identify other cults but are oblivious to any cult that sucks us in, or that we are born into. 
Everybody is either a member of some cult, or is surrounded by others who are. I noticed this through much travel and observation. 
Cults make enormous affects on humanity, whether that be from Nazis, communists, or the people who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks and others who commit suicide attacks every day. 
Not that all cults are bad. Many do positive things, not evil. 
Academics argue endlessly about the difference between a religion and a cult. The definitions are subjective and we draw the lines to suit our own positions. 
While studying information wars, I recognize the same dynamic. We can see propaganda campaigns that are waged by others against their own people, but can be blind to propaganda wars that directly target us.
Needless to say, cults cannot exist without propaganda. These things go hand-in-hand.
Today, China is creating an anti-Japan cult and they are spreading this globally using Comfort Women statues, museums, movies, a daily barrage of printed material, and more. 
Today, China is doing this in preparation for war. This much is obvious to a few of us.
Anyway, please fast-forward to the 13 minute mark and watch the incredible leaps, as if Japan had something to do with the Nazi invasion of Poland, and more:

Friday, August 7, 2015




米国、日本、同盟国に対して大きな情報戦争が仕掛けられている。メインスポンサーは中国だ。この本は中国の戦略 ― 一見してもわからないように巧妙に隠されている ― について正確な概要を与えている。

彼らの工作が明らかになると、まるで「 マトリックス」 の中に入り込んだような気分になる。











Japan---False Indictment of the Century 歴史戦 世紀の冤罪はなぜ起きたか (Japanese Edition) Kindle Edition
Last night, I got my hands on this book when it arrived from Tokyo.
I just finished reading it. Based on the great amount of on-the-ground research I have done on this subject in Japan, USA, Australia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Philippines, this book is highly accurate. 
Our research also involves digging into US archives, Dutch, Japanese, and others, and much more. 
A giant information war is unfolding against the USA, Japan, and allies. The main sponsor is China. This book provides an accurate summary of their game plan -- it is all hidden in plain view. 
After their actions are revealed, it feels like entering "The Matrix." 
The attached words are taken from one of the final pages. These words explain part of the major problems in winning this war. The Chinese are extremely well-funded. Meanwhile, Americans will not fund this, and Japanese fund very little. 
I was just asked to come speak at an important city council hearing in Strathfield, Australia next week but am not going simply due to lack of funding. 
I have been asked to come speak in San Francisco and elsewhere, but the funding is just not there. If I were speaking on behalf of the Chinese, they likely would send an airplane. (But their communists are the enemy so forget that.)
Amazon is selling e-copies. I highly recommend this book for military or civilian intelligence types who study China and ROK information war as it affects us in places like Okinawa, Korea, and at home. 
And do not forget that one of these comfort women statue supporters recently tried to kill our Ambassador in Seoul. These are the same people... Our Ambassador, Mark Lippert, was cut badly earlier this year.
The man who cut our Ambassador also attacked the Japanese Ambassador to South Korea, and is directly involved in this movement. 
There is even a photograph of the would-be assassin doing a salute by the comfort woman statue across from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul. 
In addition to being valuable for intelligence and law enforcement, this book can be healthy reading for information warriors. 
It lays out the intricate pattern of actions across many countries and states ranging from California to Korea to Australia. 
San Francisco and Glendale are battlegrounds, as is (oddly) Union City, New Jersey, and Burnaby, Canada. Not to mention Strathfield, Australia.
This all fits into a larger matrix of getting our troops out of Okinawa and elsewhere, keeping Japan weak, PRC domination of the Pacific Ocean, and much more.
This is serious business. Extremely dangerous. Full contact:



Junkoの物語: 広島の原子爆弾を生き延びて

私はJunko Morimotoです。
爆心地から 1.7 キロの所に住んでいました。

"I am Junko Morimoto.
"I now live in Sydney, but I was born and brought up in Hiroshima.
"When the bomb exploded on the morning of August 6 1945, I was a 13-year-old schoolgirl.
"I lived 1.7 kilometres away from where the bomb fell."