Monday, June 29, 2015

オーストラリア - 日本: 慰安婦(アップデート)




スケジュールがつまっているので米国を思い起こさせるこの美しい都市シドニーをゆっくり見学する時間も無い。この地は国際都市だ ― 数百の人種がいるに違いない、そのことがこの都市を非常に興味深くさせている。

この街を運営する上でオーストラリア人は良い仕事をしている ― すばらしく正常に動く状態にある。我々が人類共通の利益のために宇宙空間でやっていることよりももっと多くの資本を投下しているように見える。しかしもしも私がそれらの通りの写真を何枚か撮って「これはアメリカだ」と言ってもアメリカ人にとっては、それが違う国だと気がつくことは難しいだろう。











我々はアメリカがアルメニア人とトルコ人達の戦地となることを望んではいない。 ― 打ち合いや爆弾を連想するのはたやすい。ストラスフィールドの住人達は同じようなトラブルが密かに準備されていることに気がついてきた。


韓国人にとってはこれは既にバックファイヤとなって自らに降りかかっている ― かれらがが日本に対して非難をするということは、彼らによる自身の国民に対すしての、あるいはベトナムのような他の場所でのおびただしい数の戦争犯罪を思い起こさせるし、今日でも売春婦ビジネスが韓国のGFPの4%を占めることを思い起こす。

売春婦は韓国では巨大ビジネスだ。 ― 売春婦は韓国の巨大輸出産業でもある。韓国のフラットスクリーンテレビが売春婦付きで売られていないこと不思議だ。



韓国の大統領、Parkはとんでもなく偽善者としての才能にあふれている。彼女は韓国という売春宿を管理しつつ、第二次大戦について哀れっぽく泣いて大嘘をつく ― 彼女の父 ― 昔の韓国大統領でもあった ― は、日本軍の将校でもあった。





重要:関連した事項 ― 直接的に ― ハワイの我々に対して問題をかき立てようとしている。北京は我々と戦争している。





Australia-Japan: Comfort Women Update
I am in Sydney and working on the Comfort Women issue here and in Strathfield. 
Koreans and Chinese (from PRC) continue to try to export their hatred to other countries, such as to the USA, Germany, Canada, and Australia. They install comfort women statues to create hatred in peaceful communities. They are trying to destroy Japan. China is building ships and islands at this moment.
I have met with about 20 people on this trip so far, with more meetings coming up. The meetings have been with government officials, Strathfield citizens, Japanese who live here as Australians and as Japanese citizens, journalists, and others.
The schedule has been tight, so there is not much time to see this beautiful city of Sydney, which reminds me a great deal of the United States. This place is very cosmopolitan -- there must be hundreds of "species" of people here, which makes it even more interesting.
The Aussies seem to do a great job running this town -- the place looks to be in fine working order. They also seem to invest far more that we do in space with common benefits. But if I made a picture of some of these streets and said this is America, probably it would be difficult for Americans to realize this is a different country. 
Sydney reminds me of the better parts of California.
Back to the comfort women issue: there has been a sad twist. I am learning that some Japanese feel so betrayed by us installing the statues in places like Glendale that they are moving back to Japan, or are thinking of moving back to Japan.
For instance, a few nights ago I had dinner with two Japanese men and four Japanese women. They all are residents of Australia and have been here many years. One couple said 35 years, and they love Australia and the people. 
One of the ladies became very upset. I do not often see Japanese become so openly upset. Her emotions seemed to be a mixture of a sense of betrayal and anger. 
She seemed hurt, saying that if the statue goes into Strathfield she will sell everything here and go back to Japan forever. But she wants to stay in Australia because this is her home.
Another lady at the table said her Japanese friend who lived in or near Glendale had also been there about 35 years (?), and apparently had US citizenship and also loved the USA. She felt so betrayed by the statue in Glendale that she renounced her citizenship, sold all of her belongings, and moved forever back to Japan.
This was very saddening to hear. I thought about it for hours that night and still am thinking about it. I asked for her contact information (the lady who moved from California back to Japan) and we have now been introduced. I will work to clarify exactly what happened. 
Yesterday I met for almost four hours with a South African resident of Australia (he also loves it here), and an Aussie resident of Strathfield. Both see the peril of the statue and the strife it will bring to Strathfield. 
The Aussie resident of Strathfield said that Armenians already put in a couple of statues regarding allegations of Turkish genocide. 
The Aussie said this already has led to much trouble and death threats and the police had to become involved. 
Wakeup call! 
We do not want America to be a battlefield for Armenians and Turks -- it is easy to imagine the gunshots and bombs. And the Strathfield resident smells the same trouble brewing here. 
We do not want these statues that incite violence on public property in the USA or Australia! The Koreans and Armenians should take their battlefields back to Korea and Armenia and leave us all alone.
For the Koreans this already is starting to backfire -- as they make accusations against Japanese, we remember the massive war crimes committed by Koreans against their own people, and in other places like Vietnam, and we are reminded that even today prostitution is believed to account for about 4% of Korean GDP. Prostitution is massive business in Korea -- prostitutes are one of Korea's largest exports. It is a wonder that Korean flatscreen televisions are not delivered with complimentary prostitutes.
Korea even has senior citizens out on the streets working as prostitutes. (Cannot make up this stuff.) And yet they want to install their comfort women statues around the world. 
Korea is a Chinese puppet. A tool and dog for Beijing. Beijing uses Korea as a working dog, trained to attack Japan. If Beijing says "sit!", Korea will sit. When Beijing points at Japan, Korea attacks.
Korean President Park is capable of breathtaking hypocrisy. She presides over a giant brothel called Korea yet is whining and lying about World War II -- her own father -- also a former Korean President -- was an officer in the Japanese Army.
The saddest part about the comfort women issue is that Japanese seem to think that these statues represent some sort of betrayal by us and now possibly by the Aussies. But the reality is that most Americans have no idea about this, and it is already clear that most Aussies also do not know much about it.
Remember -- this is a strategic power play being pushed by PRC. The statues are just a tiny part of a much larger operation that we are unfolding piece by piece. This is about dominance of the South China Sea and beyond. 
The same people involved in these comfort women statues tried to assassinate our ambassador in Korea some months back. The same man also attacked the Japanese ambassador. He can be seen celebrating beside the comfort women statue across from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul. He is a Korean communist.
Other arms of this information-war beast are protesting our troops on Okinawa, and they use environmental groups as fronts to achieve related goals. These all are part of the same monster from Beijing.
Important: related elements -- directly related -- are trying to whip up problems for us in Hawaii. Beijing is at war with us.
Beijing wants the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea and more, as its domain.
These statues have nothing to do with human rights. They are strategic pawns, and China is trying to win a square in Strathfield, which will bring only heartache to Strathfield if they succeed. 
I came to Australia to help stop PRC progress. And soon to Taiwan, California, Canada, and more. We must inform our allies so that they can make their own decisions, and along the way they are teaching me about local situations.

Sunday, June 28, 2015







Sydney has a lot of cool stuff like this
Mostly I am in meetings on the comfort woman statue issue, but I am catching some glimpses of life here. This is a very nice town, and the Aussies are equally friendly.
It is also very cosmopolitan like New York or LA. People from on many, many countries and they seem to get along well. It feels very safe here.
Many Thai people, too. Just had a long lunch meeting at a Thai restaurant, and the food tasted authentic. Last night at a Japanese restaurant which was excellent. And Australian steaks do live up to the high praise.
Australians seem far more civilized than Kiwis make them out. And they seem more civilized than are a lot of us!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Korea and China: The Amazing Information War against Japan, the USA, Australia, and more.



2015年6月24日 The Korea Times

★9月までに米国で開催される慰安婦のデモンストレーション(Korea Times)
 The Korea Times ロサンゼルススタッフ

8月15日の、日本植民地支配からの第70回独立記念日の前にあわせておこなわれる。韓国では、前の慰安婦は ― 第二次世界大戦中に日本兵によって強制的に性的奴隷にされた若い女性たち ― 過去10年間、毎週水曜日に日本大使館の前に集まって抗議してきた。
KAFCのKim Hyun-jungさんは、生き残った慰安婦はあと50人いるのみだと言う。「私は韓国系米国人の皆さんがこの問題に興味を持ち、一致団結して力をあわせることをのぞみます。慰安婦のことはロサンゼルスでの努力と他の韓国系アメリカコミュニティによって世界中に知られるようになってきました」
さらなる情報は 213-880-7992へ電話してください。
KAFCのKim Hyun-jungさんは、現在進行中である日本による慰安婦への謝罪を求めていることについて韓国系アメリカ人の学生に講演をおこなった。


Korea and China: The Amazing Information War against Japan, the USA, Australia, and more. I am in Australia now researching this war against us. Check out this schedule of demonstrations/events:
Subject: Comfort women demonstrations to be held in US cities through September (The Korea Times 6/24/2015)

★ Comfort women demonstrations to be held in US cities through September (The Korea Times 6/24/2015)
By The Korea Times Los Angeles staff

The Korean American Forum of California announced it would hold a demonstration requesting an apology for comfort women outside the Japanese Consulate General in Los Angeles Wednesday, followed by a series of demonstrations around US cities until September.
The demonstrations come ahead of the 70th anniversary of Korean independence from Japanese colonialism, celebrated August 15.
In South Korea, former comfort women - young girls forced into sexual slavery by Japanese soldiers during World War II - have gathered every Wednesday in front of the Japanese Embassy for 10 years.
Kim Hyun-jung, KAFC head, said there are only about 50 surviving comfort women left.
"I hope Korean Americans can combine their power through the interest in this issue, which has become known around the world through efforts in Los Angeles and by other Korean American communities," Kim said.
For more Information, call 213-880-7992 .
Korean American Forum of California head Kim Hyun-jung spoke to students of the Korean American Coalition about the ongoing issue with the comfort women's requests of apology from Japan Tuesday. (The Korea Times)
Korean American Forum of California head Kim Hyun-jung spoke to students of the Korean

★ Korea: UN Human Rights Commissioner, "efforts to resolve" met with former comfort women (daily 6/24/2015)
毎日新聞 2015年06月24日 19時31分(最終更新 06月24日 19時41分)
South Korea the United Nations of Zaid High Commissioner for Human Rights during the visit to the 24th, in Seoul of the museum was like to the theme violence of war to women, met with Korean women three former comfort women of the Imperial Japanese Army. According to the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is to meet with the former comfort women visited Korea for the first time. According to the officials, Mr. Zaid said "the United Nations to work towards the resolution of the problem" in the meeting.
The Korean side, inside and outside the impression with the comfort women issue is a women's human rights issues by meeting, we found that there is an aim of approaching the correspondence to the Japanese side. Predecessor Pirei Mr. Mr. Zaid said in a statement last August, the Japanese government is "comprehensive, fair, lasting solution" have criticized and did not pursue the (joint)
UN Zaid High Commissioner for Human Rights to meet with Korean women of the original comfort women (right) = KYODO
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights comfort women victims and visitation
UN Zaid High Commissioner for Human Rights to meet with Korean women of the original comfort women (right) = KYODO

★ "human rights museum of war and women."
2012/05/02 日本軍慰安婦博物館 開館慰安婦博物館

★ PKO personnel, voice of anger and "what has been integrally anywhere in the country" to have sexual relations in return for support (J-Cast News 6/12/2015)
PKO隊員、支援の見返りに性的関係持つ 「一体どこの国がしていたのか」と怒りの声
2015/6/12 19:10

★ High Commissioner for Human Rights Zaid Hussein (2014 - present) Jordan Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad

★ United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is willingness to resolve visitation problem with the original comfort women (Yonhap News 6/24/2015)
Visit to Korea in the United Nations of Zaid Hussein High Commissioner for Human Rights is the 24th, he met with former Japanese army of former comfort women from.
Hussein, who visited South Korea to attend the United Nations North Korea human rights office opening ceremony of which was held in Seoul 23 days, the "War and women human rights museum," the Korean volunteer corps problem measures council of civil society organizations operated I visited, was facing the three former comfort women.
That the top of the United Nations agencies dealing with human rights issues is to meet with former comfort women, we found to be a highlight anew the wake of the Imperial Japanese Army of the comfort women issue in women's human rights during the war.
In addition, it is out to the view that if not become an indirect message to promote the resolution of the comfort women issue to the Japanese government.
Hussein said at the meeting that was held in private to "collectively the request of Obasan-tachi (former comfort women), the United Nations is going to efforts to resolve the problem" in terms of was, he said it should go in Kataritsui damage it is to have.
Mr. Hussein also showed a high level of interest and look around and comfort women-related video and pictures have been exhibited in the museum.
After meeting with former comfort women, Mr. Hussein while told reporters as "this experience was impressive impressive", and continued contact with the former comfort women, was talking to would like to meet as much as possible.
In addition, it was explained that "(toward resolving issues) are in consultation with the two countries officials" about the role of the United Nations in Korea-Japan relations over the comfort women issue.

★ "to efforts to resolve" the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, which met in the comfort women victims (JoongAng Ilbo 6/25/2015)
Zaid-Raado Zaid Al-Hussein United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is to meet former Japanese military comfort women victims, he said that efforts to solve the problem. Zaid Mr.'re top of the UN human rights field.
Zaid highest representative who visited Korea for Seoul opening ceremony of the United Nations North Korea human rights field office on January 24, visit the "War and women human rights museum," the Korean volunteer corps problem measures Council (volunteer corps measures cooperation) operated is, comfort women victims of gold Fukudo (Kim Bokudon) Mr. (89), Ball Yoshimoto (Kill U~on'oku) 's (86), it was met with RiHiroshi洙(Lee Soo)' s (86). Interviews of the day, Mr. Lewman it clear intention "I want to quietly listen to the story of the old woman who" was realized. Zaid said that had been received in writing about the circumstances of the pre-comfort women victims.
When Yoon Mihyan volunteer corps measures cooperation representative "grandmother who says" thank you ", Zaid said," grandmother who's age similar to my mother. I often hear the words of the mother. Mothers It told the contents of the interview and answered "to be" an effort by the United Nations in order to resolve that it has spoken. Interview With Kim's talk as "we are it is important to speak once is better, such as Zaid Commissioner than speak" in, Lewman said real voice of the grandmother that "survival is important, there is a force. Grandmother that answered is my advisory committee. "
Lewman said after the meeting, told reporters et al., "Nabanesemu-Pirei highest representative of the senior who expressed their position on pain of comfort women victims, I also have to do so," and in order to speak for "comfort women of position It said it would endeavor to ". The "It's scheduled to meet also Secretary met with (Park Geun) president, but to meet in three people than it was thought that's more important," he said.
On this day, the comfort women victims and with the emblem that symbolizes the comfort women issue damage to jacket of Mr. Lewman, it sent a "peace monument" obtained by reducing the comfort women girl image. Mr. RiHiroshi洙 is "so who have heard our story and carrying bother foot, there is a confidence that towards the resolution," he said.\

★ South Korea comfort women History Museum August open in Daegu (Yonhap News 6/24/2015)
Guangfu (liberation from colonial rule by Japan) August to greet the '70 15 days, Historical Museum on the comfort women of the Imperial Japanese Army "Hiumu Japanese military comfort women History Museum" is to open in Daegu of South Korea southeast.
Life and activities of the hardship of the city and the comfort women victims 26 people of North Gyeongsang Province (survivors five), it's history museum to introduce the history of the movement of the associated comfort women issue, which has been deployed in the region.
Comfort women make a civil society founded plan that has continued to have an interest in the problem, to collect the funds, in that it has managed to opening is more than five years, may also be mentioned as one of the achievements of the civic movement.
To open History Museum about the comfort women is in South Korea is in the Gyeonggi Province, Guangzhou City, "the Japanese military comfort women History Museum", of Busan "ethnic and women History Museum", next to the "War and women human rights museum" of Seoul it becomes the fourth.
◇ to the opening through twists and turns
History Museum founded business in December 2009, civil society organizations, "a collection of citizens with labor volunteer corps Harumoni (grandmother)" began from the inception of the Japanese military comfort women History Museum Promotion Committee at the heart.
In the comfort women victims will die becomes elderly, civil society attention to commemorative project, I was promoting the establishment of the Historical Museum.
The maximum of the walls of the business was a huge amount of project cost.
2010 victims of the gold order dake to social welfare Community Chest of Japan of social welfare corporation half of heritage when (Kim Sun'aku) Mr. died, donated the rest to fund the establishment of the Historical Museum. Donation about 58 million won at this time (about 6.5 million yen at the current rate) was all of the project cost at the time.
The organization, also as a civil society led the Historical Museum founded business, project cost was claimed that should be borne by the local authorities and government.
However, because the government did not show signs such as this, we embarked on a campaign for funds collected, selling products of the brand "Hiumu" which launched for the purpose of earning business, was performed pooled its profits. "Hiumu" stands Korean means "bloom flowers hope", it was also attached to the name of the History Museum.
As a result, it is possible to buy the land and buildings in July 2013, it has been working on the history museum of design, swell than the project cost of the original plan, completion period has also been extended several times destination.
And women and Family who knew that the trouble has come out in the establishment of the Historical Museum in financial difficulty and Daegu City belatedly helped by 200 million won.
Of the approximately 1.2 billion 50 million won of the total project cost, it accounted for the highest percentage campaigns and in profits of about 700 million won of product sales, which was developed for the organization fund collection.
◇ Japanese house of the colonial era in the history museum
In the History Museum a large construction work is finished, the task of arranging the interior before the opening of August have been made.
The group, after the liberation from colonial rule by Japan, to buy the building that the Japanese had left, was reborn as a historical museum.
The building was built in the 1920s, although the remnants of the colonial era (residue), was selected the renovation rather than new construction in the sense that take advantage of the history of the place. The appearance of the building was left the original atmosphere. The building is large and old for repair parts, it was required more time than the new construction effort.
History Museum the ground the second floor, in the entire area of about 280 square meters, exhibition room, video room, education room, collection boxes and the like.
The first floor of the permanent exhibition rooms, exhibit materials relating movement toward resolution comfort women issue and Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province of comfort women victims. We will introduce the video testimony and various activities of the victim in the video room.
Second floor of the Exhibition Room's space for special exhibitions. Comfort women issue and peace in the education room, such as a course on human rights is opened. The collection box nation recorded material the organization is held are stored.
Staircase leading from the first floor to the second floor, has a gallery to exhibit the work of the gold's early victims, rooftop plaza is used as an event space, such as performances and outdoor exhibition.
Lee Insun office Sho-cho of the organization seems to have fear or not from being forgotten without being liquidated survivors past history of the "comfort women victims. Citizens to visit the Historical Museum, in particular, youth I said I want you to have an interest "for the resolution of the victim's pain and comfort women issue.
To open in August, "Hiumu Japanese military comfort women History Museum" = the 24th, Daegu (Yonhap News)
To open in August, "Hiumu Japanese military comfort women History Museum" = the 24th, Daegu (Yonhap News)

★ original labor volunteer corps also women from the loss賠litigation appeal plaintiff = Korea (Yonhap News 6/24/2015)
After the ruling, we rejoice plaintiffs = the 24th, Gwangju (Yonhap News)
After the ruling, we rejoice plaintiffs = the 24th, Gwangju (Yonhap News)

★ volunteer corps: Mr. Shin Takahashi "buy time MHI sin becomes heavy" (Chosun Ilbo 6/25/2015)

★ volunteer corps: Gwangju mayor "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries should be carried out as soon as possible compensation" (Chosun Ilbo 6/25/2015)

★ [Column] and disparages the neighboring Park Geun diplomacy that accounted for his neck (Chosun Ilbo 6/24/2015)

Thursday, June 25, 2015


慰安婦物語について引き続き調査するため、今朝、 シドニーについた。中国人と韓国人はストラスフィールドに慰安婦像を建てようとしていて、いつもの通り、また面倒を引き起こしている。

=== JT comment
J.T. いつか行きたいと思うよ。良いところらしいからね。

=== MY



いくつかは論理的な選択に見える — カリフォルニアのグランデールのように。そこには多くの韓国人、中国人、日本人がいる。(悲しいことだが、アメリカ在住の多くの日本人が「20万人も誘拐した」などのアンチ日本の巧言を信じている — そんなことは無い)





Australia -- I landed in Sydney this morning to continue research on the comfort women saga. Chinese and Koreans are trying to install a comfort woman statue in the town of Strathfield, and as per normal they are stirring up trouble.

JT Gonna visit Oz one day. Looks like a great place. 

Why Strathfield? Is there some connection in that town to the "comfort women" story?

JT This is a good question and one that we have discussed quite often. For instance why did they pick Union City, New Jersey, when very few Chinese, Koreans, or Japanese live there? 

They are targeting numerous cities around the USA, and now Canada (Burnaby), not to mention in Europe and Asia. 

Some of the choices seem logical -- such as Glendale, California because there are many Koreans, Chinese and Japanese there. (Sadly, many Japanese in America actually believe the anti-Japan rhetoric re 200,000 kidnap victims -- which never happened.)

Anyway, there are sensible people in all of these towns, including Strathfield, who are working to do what is right for their communities.

Meanwhile the Koreans are trying to smooze the Strathfield City Council into a posh trip to Korea. Sensible people on the commission see that this is trouble. Some others like the mayor seem to be struggling more. I have asked to meet him but he did not respond.

My meetings begin tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


MY unpublished articles: Oct. 9, 2014

Two taxi "dramas" yesterday in Tokyo 





Japan -- So nice. Two taxi "dramas" yesterday in Tokyo  

In the first taxi drama, the driver forgot to turn on the meter for nearly the entire long drive. He refused to take money for it, saying it was his fault, and he apologized for forgetting to turn on the meter. He absolutely refused payment.

In the second drama, a friend forgot his phone in the taxi. About 30 minutes later, the taxi driver called, then brought back the phone, and also this taxi driver refused payment. Maybe he thought it was his fault for not noticing the phone.

And so many countries give advice to Japan! The world should take notes.




We, the MichaelYonJP, are asking you to inform us the interesting articles in his FB page. Please tell me the direct address of the Link so that we will be able to 
publish it in this blogger in Japanese.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Monday, June 22, 2015

コメントです(the YT incident)


Comment from the administrator:

Please refer to the following link for the additional information on the YT incident.

Thank you for your cooperation.

team MichaelYonJP

Sunday, June 21, 2015







1) 軍隊を衰退させてしまう性病を防ぐため。
2) 地元住民とのトラブルを避けて軍を侵攻させるため。
3) スパイとして雇われた売春婦の進入を防ぐため。



それらの何千もの日本叩きの記事 -  私は一週間に7日は目にするが  -  のパターンと目的は:

 1) 安倍晋三首相を弱体化させる
 2) 日本人に対する強い憎しみをかき立てる
 3 ) 日本国憲法第九条(戦争の放棄)を堅持させる






The Japan Times:  OPINION

"Will Japan repeat past errors?" 
More hit pieces on Japan. Most of these article have formulaic structures. 
The articles open with a stab at Japan's history, and then often attack Prime Minister Shinzo Abe within the first few sentences, often in the first paragraph. 
This article delays a few paragraphs before the first attack on PM Abe and the Liberal Democrat Party, but it launches into the "ultra-nationalism" theme in the second sentence.
Typically the articles attack the so-called "comfort women" system, Nanjing history, and more, calling anyone who calls for evidence "historical revisionists." 
The ianfu (comfort women) system did exist and is well noted and nobody hides it. They were prostitutes and the USA and others did it for the same reasons.
Main reasons:
1) Prevent venereal diseases which have decimated armies.
2) Prevent problems with the local population and thus opening another front.
3) Preventing prostitutes from being recruited as spies, which we do all the time including during the Iraq war.
But we have sufficiently disproven the idea that 200,000 women were kidnapped, and now many of these articles are avoiding that figure. 
There were some very limited cases of sex-slavery such as 19 women in Indonesia, but for the vast majority they were prostitutes, and those real rape cases were admitted to and soldiers prosecuted just after the war. 
The patterns and goals of these thousands of articles -- I see them seven days per week -- is to:
1) Undermine PM Shinzo Abe.
2) Create and stoke racial hatred against Japanese.
3) Keep Article 9 (renunciation of war) intact in Japan's Constitution.
The tone is always that when Japanese have power, they become genocidal rapists, like a culture on some hallucinogenic drug. 
In fact, anyone who has dared to look for the truth knows this is not true. Nobody denies that war crimes were committed by all sides, and there will be war crimes in the next wars, too.
China is particular is using this to try to keep Article 9 intact and to isolate Japan while China prosecutes its claims over the South China Sea and elsewhere.
This is a huge information operation that includes installing comfort women statues in many countries, and before these are installed we have discovered at least in some instances that Koreans and Chinese invite local city counselors and mayors over to their countries to schmooze them. 
Ultimately the statues create racial divides in those communities and Japanese are telling me in the US and Australia that it leads to fear for physical safety for Japanese children.


Friday, June 19, 2015












"World War II sex slave to sue Japan in U.S. court"
This is ridiculous and the article itself carries lies, such as that there were 200,000 sex-slaves. This has been copiously disproven, and there is no evidence that large-scale sex-slavery occurred. The women were in nearly all cases prostitutes known as ianfu (comfort women) in the controlled ianfu system, which was largely ran by Korean pimps.
Even today, prostitution is a major Korean business sector. Korea produces prostitutes like Germany produces bratwurst.
No US court should hear this case. And a big caution for the US: in our research on this issue, we have discovered that they are trying to set precedent to sue the US government for use of prostitutes in Korea.
Warning. It is coming. Save this post in your files. If a Korean prostitute from WWII wins a case against Japan in the USA, the gates start to open for massive litigation against the USA for America's massive use of Korea prostitutes from the end of the war to today.
And unlike the baseless claim that Japan kidnapped 200,000 women, claims that US forces used countless thousands of Korean prostitutes are true and easily substantiated.
Already 122 Korean prostitutes are suing the Korean government, and these 122 are representing themselves only as prostitutes, not sex-slaves. See where this is going? They are not hiding their intentions. They sold their bodies for money and now will sell their stories for money.
Importantly, for American service members who marry Koreans and bring them to America, we are seeing movement that some people believe that these service members should be charged with human trafficking if the wife ends up in the sex business, or even if they divorce and she ends up in this business.
There is no doubt that some women latch onto US troops for a ride to the great PX (USA) with her intention of carrying on this business in the USA, but some cases involve the trooper getting scammed by a bar girl. He is not conducting trafficking. He is just a goofball who got scammed. Many service members can tell the stories.
Just recently, some Chinese and Korean men were arrested in Canada for bringing hundreds of prostitutes from Korea to Canada.
The US should not hear this baseless lawsuit. It is a scam. The implications are broad.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015




(English translation of the above)
Dear donors through the Bank of UFJ Tokyo Mitsubishi
Bank statements only provides name of remitter. If you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you could inform me of the remittance via e-mails or other ways of contact. I would like to show my thankfulness to you.

Michael Yon





CWUの助教授 Brian Carrollの振る舞いは実証的な歴史学者というよりも演劇学部のそれにちかいものだった。人々に記事を振りかざして他のグループを非難する演説をし、何の議論も無くアメリカ歴史協会(American Historical Association [AHA] )の見解を述べたてて誤った方向に人々を導いた。

彼はAHAの月刊誌 Perspectives on History への19人の学者の署名がなされた「編集部への手紙」を人々の前で読んだ。その内容は、米国の歴史教科書にあった不正確な記述を指摘した日本政府の試みを非難するものだ。教科書の記述が不正確なものであるということは、既に日本と韓国、タイ、その他の国の学者達によって明らかになっていることにもかかわらず、Carroll氏はそのことには一切触れなかった。(

意見書である「編集部への手紙」をさも決定的な歴史的事実と総意の証明であるかのように持ち出してきた歴史学部の代弁者がいたわけだ。彼はある一つの歴史の見方としてではなく、まるでAHAによる公式的立場の表明かのように人々に吹き込んだ。署名者の何人かは Japan Focus のような左翼組織のメンバーで、他の多くは慰安婦についてエキスパートでも何でもないことに彼は気づいてさえいないだろう。


誤解された慰安婦について光を当てるため、CWUの日本語学講師であるマリコ Collins女史は、慰安婦についての著名な専門家たち、この分野で20年以上研究している元教授の目良浩一博士、およびインターネット経由での参加で日本在住のフルブライト奨学金研究者のジェイソン・モーガン氏(Jason Morgan)に加わっていただいて、この分野を40年にもわたって研究してきた前プリンストン大学客員教授の秦郁彦博士のサポートの元に公開討論の実施を企画した。


どうやって、そのうえさらに聴衆が操作されたのか? 中国人交換留学生のグループがバスでやってきて部屋の外で反対運動をはじめた。さらに日本からの視点を見ようとやってきた参加者達がこともあろうにCWUのスタッフによってだまされたのだ:Collins女史のプレゼンテーションを見るためにシアトルからやってきたある教会のグループは、会場に向かう途中で妨害され「午後7時までプレゼンターションは始まらない」とニセの情報を与えられた(実際には午後5時に始まった)。そのまま待つようにいわれ、後にMark Auslander / Brian Carrollの上映作品に案内された。

誠実で客観性を大切にする学術の基本は全ての視点を調べ上げることだ。明らかな煽動活動や独裁主義者のような人々を惑わすことは敵愾心にみちた環境を作り出すだけだし、さらに CWU スタッフによる完全なる欺瞞行為は、場合によっては滑稽でさえある。

つまり CWU  歴史学部の面々は、歴史について落第点をもらったということだ。

Michael's Dispatches

Central Washington University Earns Failing Grade in History

15 June 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015


This translation was made by pia tomato
Thank you for your cooperation.  -- team MichaelYonJP

University Student asks some questions





1953~1989年頃ならば、日本は前の戦争について米英の認識だけを相手にしていればよかったし、中韓もその歴史観を作り上げておらず、世界にそれを押し出すこともしませんでした。 だが  中韓 両国とも素晴らしい「マーケティング」能力をもっています。

一方、日本は真実と純粋な意図だけで十分 通用すると信じており、真実を話せば人々は-純粋な意図を持っている限り-それを信じてくれるのが当然だと考えます。

しかし西側諸国ではそれは通用しません。その「真実」は、「商品」と同じように「マーケティング」して売り込まねばならないのです。「公民権法」はデモ行進と演説だけではなく、映画、テレビ、書籍、等々で プロモートすることにすることによって ようやく獲得されたのです。


他の国々と比べてみてください。 各国はいつもアメリカでの「マーケティング」に熱心です。多くのアメリカ人が心から好意を持っているイスラエルでさえ、中東の出来事についてはイスラム過激派の主張と戦うために自分たちの主張を「売り込まねば」ならないのです。


アメリカでは先の太平洋での大戦は、日本に掌握され圧政を敷かれている太平洋地域を日本から解放するために戦った、という大義名分が 信じられています。その見解に異議を申し立てることは、アメリカ人の気持ちからすれば大問題です。実際のところ太平洋戦争は米国が戦ってきた戦争と同様、地政学的条件によるものでしたが。

われわれは大義名分を作り出すことと、プロパガンダに長けていた、これが決定的でした。日本を正当化すると、アメリカ人は「あなたのおじいさんは嘘つきだよ」といわれたのと同じ感情に襲われるでしょう。 ですから日本は、自分たちの大義名分を主張することによって、アメリカ軍兵士ひとりひとりの崇高な犠牲を損なうものではない、それはどうしてか、ということを分からせる必要があります。どちら側の兵士もそれぞれの正義のために戦ったのです。

そうしてアメリカに理解させる努力と同時に 日本は中韓のプロパガンダにも対抗せねばなりません。中韓両国は 自分達の側にアメリカのメディア、学界、政治家を引き寄せるべく莫大な金を注ぎ込んで強力なロビー活動をし、おもてなしをしています。日本はそれに対抗すべく立ち上がりかけていますが、残念なことに中韓の長年よく練られた「魅惑のプログラム」は勝ち続けているのが現状です。

シナの巨大市場に進出すれば莫大な利益を手に入れられる、とメディア各社に誘いをかけているのも、その「魅惑のプログラム」の一環です。 シナ政府はメディアに対して自信ありげに強硬な態度を取っています。好ましくないメディアにはシナ市場への参入を禁止するという脅しが効くからです。アメリカではハリウッドからニューヨークまでこの事実を知っていますが、残念ながら余りにも多くの人がシナに追随しているのです。

3・歴史観が対立していても日米両国は友好的な関係を保てるでしょうか? それとも双方の間でもっとコンセンサスが必要でしょうか?

――もし日本がその歴史観を正しく わかりやすく 呈示したならば、多くのアメリカ人、とくに退役軍人は自分たちの立場との相似性を見出すことでしょう。


歴史には当然 必ず見解の相違があります。
問題は、これを利用して中韓が 憎悪と不和を引き起こそうとしていることです。


――開戦に先立って、アメリカはシナ国民党支援のために多くの支援を行いました。 飛行機燃料だけでなく、CAMCO、顧問、公的あるいは民間のアメリカ人(Herbert Yardleyなどの暗号解読者も)などです。 強力な諜報艦USS Panayもそうです。10年以上にわたりわが国(米国)の太平洋艦隊緊急事態計画では毎年対日太平洋戦の戦争ゲームが行われていました。



5・日本は自前の軍と装備を開発すべきでしょうか? あるいは独仏両国がEUと協力しているように、同盟諸国と協力して兵器を開発すべきでしょうか?




6・アメリカは日本に核兵器の保有を許すべきでしょうか? シナなどの反日諸国から強い政治的反対があっても、それは可能だと思いますか?




これら3国はテロ支援国家で、これまで70年間にわたりテロと戦争に積極的に関与しています。シナが日本の核保有について文句をいうのは僭越且つ 滑稽です。










安倍首相は米連邦議会の合同会議ですばらしく振る舞いました。 首相はわが国の退役軍人に謝罪しました。


ローマ帝国の過剰な暴力について、われわれはいまもイタリアを責めているでしょうか? ハンニバル将軍のため、北アフリカには決して自主独立を与えてはならないでしょうか? そしてシナはとりわけ、長年の絶えざる征服と被征服の歴史のため、史上最も犯罪的な諸国の中でも飛び抜けています。


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

University Student asks some questions:

"Hello Mr. Yon, I am not trying to be rude, but I am currently enrolled in San Francisco State University, and writing a term paper for IR 329 U.S.-Japan Politics class under Professor Andrew Hanami. It will be great if I can get some inputs from you. I have attached a file which lists 8 questions, and it I will greatly appreciate if you can give me a brief short answer for each of them. Please don’t worry if you couldn’t find your time."

Thursday, June 11, 2015

フィルムレビュー:スコッツボロガールズ (updated)

Film Review: Scottsboro Girls

This review likely will not be popular in Japan. This is my assessment and I believe most educated Americans and educated westerners will agree. I believe most Japanese also will agree if they watch the film.

@直訳 :stream translation, will be edited later.



問題は映画制作者のYujiro Taniyama氏個人についてではない、彼の映画についてだ。これはチェーンソーをもってきて編集し直すか、まるまる投げ捨てるかしなくてはいけないほどひどいものだ。映画制作者のYujiro Taniyama氏は、いい加減なことを映画のなかで言っているというわけではない。私は第二次大戦中の慰安婦について知っている。彼が映画で示した事実は正確だ。彼のプレゼンテーションが失敗なのだ。

数ヶ月前、東京でこのフィルムを見た。このレビューを書くために別にDVDを1部タイに送ってもらった。Yujiro “Yuji” Taniyama氏が映画で示した事実に関しては、私が知っているかぎり何も間違えてはいない。しかしこの映画の90%はもう一回作り直すか、切り捨てさる必要がある。


推薦人の一人がYoshiko Sakurai女史だ。日本ではYoshiko Sakurai女史は著名な人物だ。彼女は、Walter CronkiteとKatie Couricを合わせたような人物だ。Sakurai女史はOprahのような力を持っている。彼女は直接的に政治への影響力を持っているし、自分の放送局も所有している。Sakurai女史が推薦すると言うことは、非常に大きな意味を持つ。








2) 映画は3時間5分だ。ブルースウィリスや女優も出てこない。アメリカ人にとっては長すぎだ。パスカル(Blaise Pascal)だったら「もっと短い手紙を書きたかったんだが、時間がなかったんだ」と言うだろう。



2) この映画は、およそアカデミックな場にはふさわしくない、関係の無いグラフィックスと薄気味悪い音楽で始まる。音楽は力強い、場面によってはぴったりくることもあるだろう、しかしこの映画にはふさわしくない。主題について視聴者は黙って静かに考える必要がある。テクノダンシングの音楽は必要無い。

3) 映画が始まって約3分で、Yuji氏のオーストラリア、アデレードの学校でいじめられたことについて話し始める。これは慰安婦とセックス奴隷に関するえいがではなかったのか(全く関係のないことだ)。

3分30秒、”fucking nigger”と言っている。これはどんな場合であろうとUSAでは禁句だ。映画では何度も語句niggerが出てくる。USAは、この語句に関して凄まじいほど酷い歴史があり我々はそのことを未だに引きずっている。これは投げた人自身が自爆してしまうほどの大きな手榴弾ともいうべき言葉だ。


5) 4分40秒までとりとめなく話して、shitという言葉を使って悪態をつく。

6) 話が北朝鮮にそれ、”racism sucks”と言いながら芝居がかった調子になる。たしかにracismはsuckだが、その語句を教養のある視聴者の前で使っても意味が無い。

Yuji氏は彼のヘアースタイルについて話し始める。ヘアースタイルがセックス奴隷や慰安婦と何の関係があるんだ?5分30秒には、我々は全て”damn humans”だと言っている。

7) Yuji氏は自分について話しすぎだ。6分後にマイケルジャクソンのコンサートについて話し始める。


8) 7分、彼はまだ自分のことを話している。サッカーの話になった。

9) 8分、--まだサッカーのことを言っている。北朝鮮の人たちが気も狂わんばかりに泣いているとても変なビデオを見せながら。

10) 9分、まだサッカーの話が続いている。

11) 10分、まだサッカースタジアムの話だ。”OMG man”のような高校生言葉をつかったり、”goddamit”などと言っている。慰安婦の話は未だ出てこない。”nigger”と言う言葉がほとんどのアメリカ人に嫌われるように”goddamit”と言う言葉もほとんどのクリスチャンに嫌われる。

12) 10分15秒、変な音楽と共にオープニングクレジットが始まる。

13) 12分、Yuji氏はWoody Allen のことを話し始める。慰安婦の話は未だ始まっていない。彼は自身を映画監督であり、21世紀の無遠慮にずけずけ言う侍として紹介している。


14) 14分まで、ドラマチックにWoody Allen のことを話しつつ、彼にレイプされたとの養女の主張を証明することが難しいことを比較しようとしている。(そんなに飛躍があるわけではないが、この映画からはまったくズレている話だろう) 14分30秒、Trayvon MartinとGeorge Zimmermanについて話している。これは第二次大戦中の慰安婦についての映画ではなかったのか。

15) 15分20秒、Yuji氏は自爆テロリストではないし、アルカイーダのために働いてはいないと言う。(この点については、はっきりして良かった)

16) 16分、“NYT、WMD”とイラク戦争について話し始める。

17) 17分、慰安婦について触れる。

18) 19分、Yuji氏は韓国に行き、ようやく慰安婦について話し始める。

19) 20分、Yuji氏は、実際の慰安婦についての興味深い正確な情報を話し始める。これが本筋だし、良い情報だ。しかし彼はこれを韓国の通りのうるさいバス停でやっている。

20) 22分、とても良い情報だ。気に入った。正確だ。でも、まだ、あのうるさい通りでこれをやっている。

21) 24分、慰安婦の件を離れ、我々は再びYuji氏のパーソナルアドベンチャーに引きずり込まれる。数分間はうまくやったのに、また戻って、俺、俺、俺の自己陶酔プレゼンに戻る。

22) 26分、韓国のタクシードライバーに、安倍晋三首相のことをどう思うか尋ねる。

23) 28分、---タクシーから降りる。関係の無い意味の無いことをぶつぶつ言っている。”shit”という言葉を使う。

24) 31分、韓国の慰安婦ミュージアムとちょっとした対決をする。

25) 33分、Yuji氏は完全にGonzoになってしまった。まるでMichael Mooreみたいだ。事実について言っているときはよかったのに、いまはgonzoになった。

26) 35分30秒、damn criminalとかgoddammitなどと言って悪態をつき始める。

27) 36分、--- もはやYuji氏は完全にMichael Mooreに変わり果ててしまった。Gonzoだ。

28) 36分55秒、抗議行動中、何人かの男が彼を脅す。Yuji氏は「あの北朝鮮のモンスターたちが俺を脅してきたぜ」などと言う。理解しがたい。

29) 39分、Yuji氏は東京基督教大学のTsutomu Nishioka教授へのインタビューを始める。Nishioka教授は大変尊敬されている。Nishioka教授はクリスチャンである。彼と話すのは心地よい。彼もまたこの映画のサポーターだ、私はこの映画がどんなものかについてNishioka教授は良くは知らないのではないかと強く疑念を持っている。(Nishioka教授の名もまた映画のクレジットに登場する、彼はSakurai女史のシンクタンクにも所属していて、私はそこでプライベートに話をした)。個人的メモ:私が思うにNishioka教授は良い人だ。だからこれは少々デリケートな問題を含んでいる。

30) 40分、慰安婦についての重要な情報が得られる。Nishioka教授からの重要な情報だ。

31) 話は続く。たまに良い情報があるが、話に埋もれていく。53分ころ、Mike Honda議員への個人攻撃が始まる。Honda氏は何年も人々を欺いてきたが、慰安婦の件を調査してきた我々はそのことを知っている、しかし個人攻撃で説明しても米国の知識人に対しては、なんの役にも立たない。

32) 53分50秒、悪態をついている。たいしたこと無いと思うかもしれないが、これはアメリカの学術関係者にとっては最悪だ。
#訳注: 32) が二回続く

32) 54分、スコッツボロボーイズについて話し始める。そんなのは慰安婦とかセックス奴隷と何の関係も無い。

33) 55分、悪態をついている。

34) ときどき有用な情報が話される。

35) 57分40秒、悪態をつく。

36) 良い情報だがプレゼンのやりかたがまずいので、いつも通り台無しだ。

37) 1時間だ。ある慰安婦についての良い情報が与えられる。

38) 実質5分間にわたって興味深い情報が提供される。

39) Yuji氏は11分間ほどはうまくやったが、ここからプレゼンがつかえはじめる。

40) 1時間14分、Yuji氏は不自然で奇妙な声で慰安婦のことを説明し出す。

41) 1時間15分、騒がしくて不適当が音楽が流れてくる。(音楽そのものはいいのだ

42) 1時間21分30秒 ― ぞっとするような奇妙な、わざとらしい声で韓国人の老女をからかう衝撃的なミスを犯す。アメリカ人は若くて強い男性が老女をからかうことを容認しない。






Yuji氏が怒っているのも理解できる ― 彼女の偽証は日本に大きなダメージを与えてきた。いまでも多くのジャーナリストが彼女を信じている、彼女の嘘が明らかでその証拠があるにもかかわらず。


43) 1時間22分40秒 ― 拳銃で老婦人の頭を打つまねをするシーン




Yuji氏は映画の中で全て本当のことを言っている ― だからこそ日本の視聴者が支持する ― しかしそうすることが米国人にとってまるで日本が満月の狼男のように残忍に見えることになる。

ここから映画はさらに奇妙なものになっていく。どんどんひどくなっていくのでこれ以上はレビューを続ける必要は無い。この映画の最初の4, 5分でアメリカの知識人のおよそ90%は映画を見るのをやめるだろう。もしも90分も映画を見ていられる人がいたとしたら、そのアメリカ人は犯罪を犯す前にYuji氏を国外退去させるべきだと思うだろう。

繰り返しになるが、私はYoshiko Sakurai女史が映画への支持をやめ制作者がマーケットから映画を回収することを心より勧める。

Yoshiko Sakurai女史が公にこの映画への支持をやめることが重要である。そうでなければ彼女はこの映画を擁護していることを意味する。






Jun 14:
The sentence "Yujiro氏が左派極論者に対して...良くできた罠だ" has been revised.