あるとき戦闘中にビデオから悪態をつく声が聞こえてきた。これはその場のアメリカ人たちを怒らせた。 — この戦闘で、私の近くで我々の兵士の一人が苦痛のあまり悲鳴をあげながら死ぬのを待っていた、まさにそときだった。アメリカ人の聴衆は映画だったら鼻持ちならぬ言葉でもオーケーだが — しかしアカデミックな研究教育環境ではNGだ、どこであっても我々の兵士がまさに死のうとしているときは私だってがまんならない。(私は本当に腹が立った。何かわからないが状況が悪化し、彼は死にかけていた。そして死んだ。)
我々の問題は英語 — 日本語の言語間の翻訳にあるのではない。文化の相互理解にある。互いの文化を「翻訳」し理解し合うためにもっと多くの日本人--アメリカ人、アメリカ人--日本人が必要だ。
タイの私のオフィスにその映画がついたら、その3時間5分のフィルム(あぁ、まさにとんでもなく長時間だ — これがたとえブルース・ウィリスの映画だったとしてもだれも見ないだろう)を見てから、いくつかの文化の違いに関する情報も交えてレビューを書こうとおもう。
Translator: ソメイヨシノ
Donation: 寄付の受付 http://michaelyonjp.blogspot.jp/2015/03/blog-post.html
Many people have asked why I believe Americans will reject this film. There are many reasons. I watched it months ago in Tokyo, and our team discussed it with high distaste.
I do not have a copy of the film here, so I asked a University Professor in the United States to send a copy, which apparently was mailed about a week ago to me in Thailand.
I cautioned and finally warned Taniyama about his film, and finally was clear that if he goes forward with this in America I can no longer support his work. We met in Tokyo and he visited me twice in Thailand.
We (Japanese and Americans) are having great difficulty with cultural translations. I mentioned this to the honorable and respected Yoshiko Sakurai in Tokyo. My earlier words about her are too harsh, on reflection. She is very smart and trying to do the right thing, but supporting this film will only hurt us.
Taniyama's English is very good but his understanding of Americans is low. The positive review of his film in Japan caused him to be invited to CWU to speak in America. I warned him in writing numerous times to edit using a person known to me before doing this, and NEVER curse in front of an American audience. (Among other things.)
One time when I was in combat I can be heard saying a curse word on video. This upset some Americans -- and it was combat and one of our Soldiers was screaming and dying near me. American audiences can be okay with curse words in movies -- but not in academic situations, and some where not even okay with me cursing when our man was dying. (I was really upset due to something that was going wrong and he was dying and then he died.)
Taniyama's invitation to CWU lead to al Jazeera contacting me for help to find a Japanese spokesperson. I thought one of the Professors would be excellent, like Dr. Hata, Dr. Mera, or Dr. Fujioka. I recommended them, but then got an email from Jazeera that they were taking Tamiyama.
I cautioned Jazeera not to do this. I had also asked earlier via email to Yoshiko Sakurai to do the Jazeera interview but I got no response from Yoshiko.
I said to Jazeera that I would do the interview. They took Tamiyama. We needed someone like Fujioka, Mera, Hata, or Sakurai and as a last choice I could have done it.
Our problem is not English-Japanese language translation, but cultural translation. We need more Japanese-Americans and American-Japanese to help us translate culturally.
When the copy of the film arrives in Thailand, I will watch those 3 hours and 5 minutes (yes, it really is that long -- people will not even watch Bruce Willis that long) and make a review with some cultural information.