Thursday, May 28, 2015







あるとき戦闘中にビデオから悪態をつく声が聞こえてきた。これはその場のアメリカ人たちを怒らせた。 — この戦闘で、私の近くで我々の兵士の一人が苦痛のあまり悲鳴をあげながら死ぬのを待っていた、まさにそときだった。アメリカ人の聴衆は映画だったら鼻持ちならぬ言葉でもオーケーだが — しかしアカデミックな研究教育環境ではNGだ、どこであっても我々の兵士がまさに死のうとしているときは私だってがまんならない。(私は本当に腹が立った。何かわからないが状況が悪化し、彼は死にかけていた。そして死んだ。)




我々の問題は英語 — 日本語の言語間の翻訳にあるのではない。文化の相互理解にある。互いの文化を「翻訳」し理解し合うためにもっと多くの日本人--アメリカ人、アメリカ人--日本人が必要だ。

タイの私のオフィスにその映画がついたら、その3時間5分のフィルム(あぁ、まさにとんでもなく長時間だ — これがたとえブルース・ウィリスの映画だったとしてもだれも見ないだろう)を見てから、いくつかの文化の違いに関する情報も交えてレビューを書こうとおもう。

Translator: ソメイヨシノ

Review of Yujiro Taniyama's film: Scottsboro Girls

Many people have asked why I believe Americans will reject this film. There are many reasons. I watched it months ago in Tokyo, and our team discussed it with high distaste.
I do not have a copy of the film here, so I asked a University Professor in the United States to send a copy, which apparently was mailed about a week ago to me in Thailand.
I cautioned and finally warned Taniyama about his film, and finally was clear that if he goes forward with this in America I can no longer support his work. We met in Tokyo and he visited me twice in Thailand.
We (Japanese and Americans) are having great difficulty with cultural translations. I mentioned this to the honorable and respected Yoshiko Sakurai in Tokyo. My earlier words about her are too harsh, on reflection. She is very smart and trying to do the right thing, but supporting this film will only hurt us. 
Taniyama's English is very good but his understanding of Americans is low. The positive review of his film in Japan caused him to be invited to CWU to speak in America. I warned him in writing numerous times to edit using a person known to me before doing this, and NEVER curse in front of an American audience. (Among other things.) 
One time when I was in combat I can be heard saying a curse word on video. This upset some Americans -- and it was combat and one of our Soldiers was screaming and dying near me. American audiences can be okay with curse words in movies -- but not in academic situations, and some where not even okay with me cursing when our man was dying. (I was really upset due to something that was going wrong and he was dying and then he died.)
Taniyama's invitation to CWU lead to al Jazeera contacting me for help to find a Japanese spokesperson. I thought one of the Professors would be excellent, like Dr. Hata, Dr. Mera, or Dr. Fujioka. I recommended them, but then got an email from Jazeera that they were taking Tamiyama. 
I cautioned Jazeera not to do this. I had also asked earlier via email to Yoshiko Sakurai to do the Jazeera interview but I got no response from Yoshiko. 
I said to Jazeera that I would do the interview. They took Tamiyama. We needed someone like Fujioka, Mera, Hata, or Sakurai and as a last choice I could have done it.
Our problem is not English-Japanese language translation, but cultural translation. We need more Japanese-Americans and American-Japanese to help us translate culturally. 
When the copy of the film arrives in Thailand, I will watch those 3 hours and 5 minutes (yes, it really is that long -- people will not even watch Bruce Willis that long) and make a review with some cultural information.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015









「学生をunsafe environment (安全では無い)環境に置いたと」と 大学から叱責されました。

このまま見せてしまったら実害が多い3時間あまりの DVDを45分程度に編集するように谷山さんを説得して頂き、学術的なイベントにするために、元ハーバード大学教授の目良浩一先生や、CWUイベント直後に産經新聞にも取り上げられたアメリカ人若手学者のジェイソン・モーガン氏に(インターネットで)参加していただき、「強制連行の神話」著者鄭大均教授からも韓国での慰安婦問題研究の現状報告についてのメッセージを頂きました。過激なプロテストが予想された会場ではセキュリティーも配備していただきました。



私の大学の同僚は、会場から出て来た年配のアメリカ人達がHe was ranting.(怒りの感情に任せて 延々と話を続ける事)、The Directer just proved that he is a maniac.(あの監督はたった今彼が気違いだと自分で証明した)と言っていたのを聞いております。



谷山さんがあのような暴言を吐いて居なければ彼らも、同様な計画をしていたアメリカ人も、翌日に戻って来ていたはずです。これは推測ではありません。何故なら出ていった青年の1人は私の教え子で翌日授業に来た彼自身から「 公衆の面前でいわれの無い罵倒をされた」 との怒りを訴えられました。
彼は元々このイベントで孤立無援になっていた私に「先生、なにか僕に出来る事があったら言って下さい。自分は殆ど何も知らないので色々知りたいです」といってくれていた学生です。隠す事がない私は 学生だけでなく同僚たちにも、馬鹿正直に「是非行きたかったらこちらは二日目があるから、初日はあちらの対抗イベントにどうぞ」と言っていたので、沢山のアメリカ人も出ていったのですが, 生憎の谷山さんの言葉と、感情に訴えかけるあちら側の対抗イベントで、如何に私側の主張が邪悪かを刷り込まれ、二日目に戻ってくるはずだった人達は姿を現しませんでした。あの一言が無ければ、と悔やまれます。





谷山さんがことの本質を理解するまで、CWUでのスピーチビデオが拡散され、世界向けのメディアに登場する事態が今後も続いたら、日本にダメージを与えてしまいます。 だからマイケル・ヨンさんは、日本の為にアドバイスをしてくれているのです。




特にマイケル・ヨンさんの様な元軍人関係やメディアの国家安全保障ネットワークに強い方はなかなか いません。


※ CWU :セントラルワシントン大学

comment from the administrator of the blogger

Please note that, it was an advice to them from a strong supporter of Japan, Mr. Yon.

By publishing the film,
 Mr. Taniyama will become a clown in the US and
 Mrs. Sakurai will lost her credit in the US, if she is holding it now.

On the Hanada’s issue, it is simple,
   >>>   HANADA TOLD LIES tarnishing Mr. Yon’s reputation   <<<
so he must make a formal apology to Mr. Yon for first.

Another note:

Mr. Yon’s credit in the US is enormous.
Imagine the visibility of Mr. Taniyama, Mrs. Sakurai, and Mr. Hanada in the US.
I’m sure that almost all of the American citizen does not know their names.

Mr. Yon, he has millions of followers, most of them are English speakers.
And he is our side.

by Someiyoshino

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Japan: "The Scottsboro Girls"--- Do Not Promote this Film

Masao Takagi様:

Michael, please explain with concrete descriptions and examples from Taniyama's video. Your explanation is too abstract. What is offensive to "Americans and westerners?" This page of yours is becoming a topic on a Japanese board, and everyone is confused about your descriptions.


Michael Yon(マイケルヨン氏)

Please ask five or ten educated Americans to watch the film and give you an opinion. Taniyama comes across as arrogant, narcissistic, and a bully who is bullying old women. Believe this -- if you bully old women in front of Americans, you will create serious enemies. Most Americans will not allow anyone to bully old people, and especially not old ladies.

I think Japanese are the same, but many Japanese who watch this film do not seem to pick up the nuance due to language and cultural differences. Japanese who are totally fluent in English and also fluent in American culture see this immediately and they warn about this film.

Yesterday I talked on the phone with a Japanese man who understands our culture fluently and he agreed.

I told Sakurai that speaking English fluently is not enough. She should know this. Her English is very good, but she has little understanding of Americans. She says things that make her seem primitive to Americans, despite that she is highly intelligent and rich.

Americans will take her thinking as a century out of date and unacceptable.

She and Taniyama look down on people they believe come from lower status and believe me that will never fly with Americans.

Americans will not accept being looked down upon or talked down to. We are taught since childhood that this is foul behavior.

Taniyama uses the word nigger as if it is just a throw-around word. We Americans have a horrific history surrounding this word including burning alive so-called niggers.

Even many of us white people find this word extremely aggressive, oppressive, and wrong from all dimensions.

Taniyama uses this word like just any old word.

He curses constantly, including at his CWU speech. I warned him specifically not to curse in front of Americans during a speech. He agreed. And then did it.

At best Americans will think he is an uncultured idiot. And that Sakurai backs him puts her in his boat.

Taniyama often uses a creepy, affected voice that likely will cause many Americans to think he is creepy and affected.

Sakurai is destroying her reputation by backing this film and behaving like she is above and beyond reproach.

Sakurai is dealing now with Americans, and Americans will not bow to her. Look at Dan Rather and Brian Williams. They were among the lofty elite. Nobody is beyond reproach in America.



訳者:Seiko (せい子 カースルトン・ナイト)





タイトル:【櫻LIVE】第104 - 谷山 雄二朗 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)

タイトル:Racism America & Sex Slaves [ 8 TIPS you need to know about Comfort Women before taking sides]

Donation: 寄付の受付





Sunday, May 24, 2015

President Ronald Reagan

May 23 at 8:23pm

I miss him. Mr. Reagan was like a Grandfather. And now Prime Minister Shinzo Abe must do this for Japan. In life, or death, stay strong for your people.

We are Americans -- We do not Declare War -- We just do it illegally

May 24 at 12:46pm

It is a bit strange when Americans say that Japan attacked us without first declaring war. So what? We attack countries all over the planet without declaring war.
The following piece was written by a friend and Special Forces combat veteran. His picture can be seen online with President Ronald Reagan due to my friend earning a Silver Star in a big firefight one day when we lost some people. (I was not there.)

Stand with Japan

May 23 at 12:43pm

 Professor Shimojo Masao, Takushoku University
 May 22, 2015

Mr. Michael Yon
 On December 30, 2014, the PRC’s State Oceanic Administration launched a website entitled “Diaoyu Dao: The Inherent Territory of China.” The site is China’s platform for its claims on the Senkaku Islands, which the Chinese call “Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands”.
However, the historical perception and the State Oceanic Administration’s website are utterly flawed, which maintain that the Senkaku Islands are an integral part of China, and that they are islands affiliated with Taiwan. The creators of the website do not offer any evidence supporting these claims.
 The mere appearance of the so-called Daioyu Dao in a written work is not definitive proof that the Senkaku Islands were Chinese territory several hundred years before Japan discovered them. To prove that the islands were under Chinese jurisdiction at that time, the Chinese must establish that Taiwan was an integral part of Ming China in official regional topographical works like Comprehensive Gazetteer of the Ming Dynasty or official histories such as History of the Ming Dynasty. These classic works, however, do not at all support the ludicrous contentions of the PRC.
 It was the Qing Dynasty that incorporated Taiwan, but official documents, such as the Comprehensive Gazetteer of the Great Qing Real, show that the Senkaku Islands were never a part of Taiwan. Thus, the very basis of the Chinese claim that the Senkaku Islands belonged to Qing China is completely shattered.
 The current article verifies the facts based on key Chinese historical documents.

Full text:
 Author profile:

Questions are welcome.
MOTEKI Hiromichi

Saturday, May 23, 2015

櫻井よしこ女史は決断を下すべきだ (5/26 updated)


"Look at my past and who I confronted before. Sakurai is a small rabbit by comparison. I will not bow to Sakurai. "


> 私が過去に対峙してきた人物を見てほしい(大物をペンの力で失墜させてきたこと)
> 彼らに比べれば櫻井氏などは小物である。
> 私は櫻井氏に頭を下げたりはしない


彼女は谷山雄二朗氏の気色の悪いフィルムを見てから、そのフィルムを推薦したのか? それともその気色の悪いフィルムを見ずに推薦したのか? どっちだ、選べ。

個人的に櫻井女史にはこのフィルムを推薦しないよう忠告した。谷山氏にも何度も電子メールで忠告した。-- 大いにありそうなことだが -— そんなものを持ってアメリカに行くなとも。




=== FBのコメントより

Q 大金を寄付をした者に対して、米国の新聞や雑誌に記事を書くと約束したのか? そのような約束したと主張する者がいる。もちろん、わたしはあなたを疑わないし、誹謗中傷と戦うことの重要性も理解している。しかし正直、この種のたわ言に、あなたの貴重な時間を費やさないで欲しいとも願っている。

A — そんなことあるわけない。何度も何度も言っているように、私の耳は借りることはできるが、私のペンは絶対に買うことはできない。しかし嘘を吹き込むために耳を借りようとはするな。私の忠誠心は読者のためにある。資金というのはオイルや水のようなものだ。どこで記事を書いたって、お金は入ってくるだろう。しかしお金は私のペンを買えない。



Translator: ソメイヨシノ
Donation: 寄付の受付

Yoshiko Sakurai must make up her mind

Did she watch Yujiro Taniyama's weird film and then endorse it? Or did she NOT watch it before endorsing it? Pick poison.
I warned Sakurai personally not to endorse this film. I warned Taniyama many times on email -- quite provable -- not to go forth with this in the USA. I was at Sakurai's home in Tokyo when Taniyama gave me three copies of the DVD and she (Sakurai) put him (Taniyama) on her Genron TV channel at her home studio, and later I and others watched the film and were stunned that she supported this.
Now I am warned probably a dozen times today not to confront Sakurai. She is too big and powerful. She will crush me and Japanese support will go away. Look at my past and who I confronted before. Sakurai is a small rabbit by comparison. I will not bow to Sakurai. Hanada at WILL magazine must apologize in public for his lies, or expect much more to come.
Sue me.

=== comment and reply on his FB

Q Did you promise to write an article of US newspaper or magazine for the big donors? Some anonymous said you broke that promise. Of course, I do not doubt you and it is important to fight for defamation. But Honestly, I hope that you don't spend much time for the crap.

 -- Negative. As I have said many times, you can rent my ear but never buy my pen. Never try to rent my ear to tell a lie. It will backfire. My loyalty is only to readers. Money is like oil or water. No matter where I write, money will come. Money cannot buy my pen.

Sakurai and others paid me to research which I have done diligently, and I spoke privately at her think tank in Tokyo. I told her specifically that I did not want to speak yet because research was not complete. She insisted, so I went there and babbled without much to say.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

日本:花田紀凱は読者にうそをついている (5/24, updated)


彼による嘘偽りのなかでも極めつけは — 私のワイフも私自身もファーストクラスで飛んだことは無いということだ。そんなのデタラメだ。さっき確かめるためにワイフを呼んだ。ビジネスクラスかファーストクラスで飛んだことあるかと聞いてみた。彼女は、一度か二度、チェンマイからバンコクへビジネスクラスで飛んだことあると思うわ、と言った。(私はビジネスするときはビジネスクラスを利用するが、普通はエコノミークラスだ — ファーストクラスなんて乗ったことなどない。)

こんなデタラメはケネディ・日砂恵(Hisae Kennedy)という女性が大元だ。彼女は国際的な浮気(訂正 2015.9, thank you for the information!)ために、アメリカ人の夫の銀行口座から数十万ドル(数千万円)も引き出して使った。もちろん私との浮気(訂正2015.9)では無い。日砂恵女史は著名な櫻井よしこ女史のアドバイザーだ。彼女と櫻井女史、花田氏(このビデオに登場する)は、この件に関して談合しているんだ。櫻井女史は谷山雄二朗氏のフィルム、アメリカにおける日本の評判をがた落ちにする内容のフィルムのサポートもしている。この件については個人的に櫻井女史に忠告した。




 => 国際的な浮気

Translator: ソメイヨシノ
Donation: 寄付の受付

Japan: Will Magazine lies to its readers 

May 21 at 12:28

Hanada has committed defamation. We have kindly asked for a public apology. If Hanada does not admit to his mistake, we will take next steps.
Among his falsehoods -- neither my wife nor I have ever flown first class. This is a lie. I called my wife to confirm, asking if she ever even flew in business class or first class, and she said that we flew business class once or twice from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. (I fly business class when doing business, but otherwise typically economy class -- never first class.)

These lies come from a woman named Hisae Kennedy, who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars from her American husband's bank account doing an international sex affair. Not with me. Hisae is an advisor to the famous Yoshiko Sakurai. She, Sakurai, and Hanada (on this video) consulted on this. Sakurai also supports the Yujiro Taniyama film that is damaging Japan in America. I personally cautioned Sakurai on this.
This all is like a trailer park fight but with rich and powerful Japanese people like Sakurai and Hanada.
Apologize to your readers Hanada. You did not check your information.
As for Hisae Kennedy, she claims to be a good Christian woman but she sure sleeps around a lot. Sue me. Truth is my defense.
Shall we continue?

Go For Broke: 442nd Regimental Combat Team Memorial in Little Tokyo -- Los Angeles

May 20 at 6:15pm

If you are in Los Angeles, please pay respects at this memorial and remember what these men did for us. I paid respects there last year. The 442nd is the most decorated outfit in US history, according to our government. To be in the top 100 is incredible.
Respect, and Honor.

(Link sent to me by an active US Army officer.)

歴史学者187人の声明は反日勢力の「白旗」だった 大きく後退した慰安婦に関する主張(英語記事)

May 20 at 3:18pm

Why is more Japanese media not translated to English? Sankei, for instance. Sankei should be put to English. We asked at Sankei HQ in Tokyo why their articles are not rendered to English. Sankei said they do not have the money.

The best part of Japan is almost sealed in a jar of language barrier.
Japan is awash in resources. Why is Sankei not translated to English? Asahi Shimbun translates, yet is basically an enemy of the state of Japan, and the United States.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

日本:「スコッツボロガールズ」――この映像をプロモートしないでください (Japan: "The Scottsboro Girls" --- Do Not Promote this Film )

May 19 at 12:15pm

Americans and westerners in general will find this film highly offensive. I specifically and personally cautioned Yoshiko Sakurai not to promote this film.


Ms. Sakurai promoted it anyway and lost much respect. People are afraid to speak up to Ms. Sakurai because she is extremely connected and powerful. Whatever she says goes.


The buck stops here.


Ms. Sakurai did not watch the film before promoting it. She told me this personally after a meeting at LDP HQ in Tokyo. I invited her to coffee near LDP and our team cautioned her about this film, saying she should under no circumstances promote this.


I warned the filmmaker Yujiro Taniyama many times about his film. He gave me three copies one evening at Yoshiko Sakurai's home just before she put him on her Genron TV to promote it. Our team later watched the film and were appalled. And appalled that Ms. Sakurai would promote this film, which is causing damage to Japan.


I and others tried to school Taniyama and told him not to show this at CWU (Central Washington University) without serious editing. He did it anyway, but at least with some editing.


Taniyama visited me twice in Thailand and I cautioned him in Thailand about American culture and that his film is overboard. I no longer support Taniyama or Sakurai due to their pushing Taniyama's film in the United States.


Sakurai lost respect after endorsing this film without watching it, and by not taking our advice not to endorse it. Sakurai's endorsement is no longer worth paper.


Sakurai's endorsement is having a ripple effect. Taniyama was invited to speak at CWU due to Sakurai's endorsement. I know this because I communicate with the person who invited him. This raised Taniyama's profile in the United States.


Last week al Jazeera contacted me asking for help getting Japanese academics on board for a show. I tried with people like Professors Fujioka and Hata, who could have done a great job. They bucked. Jazeera did not accept Dr. Mera who also could have done well. Instead, Jazeera chose Taniyama. I immediately warned Jazeera not to have Taniyama as the spokesman.


I passed Jazeera's invitation directly to Sakurai and did not get a response. I can no longer take her seriously other than that she is connected and powerful. Her judgement is terrible. Long time readers on my page know that when I take on someone very powerful like Sakurai, it is always for cause, and turns out in the end to be for good cause.


Jazeera used Taniyama -- thanks ultimately to Sakurai raising his profile. Koreans and PRC Chinese must love this. There is no better spokesman for the anti-Japanese cause. Just let Taniyama talk and know that victory is assured. I warned him privately many times. Sakurai has wax in her ears and again did not even watch the film before heavily promoting it. She told me this face to face.


Sakurai should publicly admit her mistake and walk away from this film before it damages her and Japan any more.


 This comment just in from our Japanese blog:




タイトル:【櫻LIVE】第104 - 谷山 雄二朗 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)
タイトル Racism America & Sex Slaves [ 8 TIPS you need to know about Comfort Women before taking sides]
Translator: Hideyuki Matsui
意義が高い・確度が高いと思われる日本語のコメントは、訳者が選択・要約してマイケルヨン氏にメール致します。 できるだけソースをお願いします。 マイケルヨン氏に直接お伝えになりたい方は、英文でコメントをお書きくださればと思います。(分かりやすくタイトルをお願いします。) リベラル系の皆様のコメントも歓迎致します。 思想の左右を問わず、誹謗中傷が含まれるコメント、重大な嘘が含まれるコメントは削除致しますので、悪しからずご了承ください。 皆様のコメントと、活発な議論をお待ちしております。 (訳者より)