Saturday, May 9, 2015



その日の彼の声明は「全てのシャム人の幸福のために道徳的規範のもとに国を治める」であった。それから彼はその約束を忠実に守り続けている。彼は年中くまなくタイの各地を訪れている。何よりも国民を気にかけている。いつも同じ時計しか腕にしない。他の高価な時計は国王としての行事に出席するときにのみ使用する。鉛筆をぎりぎりの長さになるまで(3 cmほど)使い続ける。靴がすり減ったり破けたりすれば、それを修理して使う。靴を脱げば履いている靴下にあいた小さな穴をみつけるだろう。


1965年3月25日、日本の皇太子(Akihito、現在の日本の天皇)はティラピア(tilapia)のつがい25組をタイの国王に贈り物として進呈した。養殖用の25匹のオスと25匹のメスである。皇太子にはこの魚がタイでどんどん成長するだろうとの素晴らしい先見の明があった。原産地はナイル川域なので国王はこの魚を「Pla Nil」(Ninと発音する)と名付けた。国王は自らの宮殿の庭にある池で魚を養い増やした。1966年、3月17日、国王はタイ中の淡水域に放流するために養殖するようティラピアの幼魚1万匹をタイの水産局に贈った。

国王は交配にも成功した。この新種はピンク色をしていて美味しそうに見える。「Pla Tabtim」、あるいはルビーフィッシュと名付けられた。

もしもお金に余裕がなかったら緑がかった黒の種類を選べば良い。小さなものは5バーツ(1kgあたり8匹から10匹)から買える。普通のサイズのものは大体1/2 Kgくらいで40バーツほどだ。お金に余裕があったら大きなピンクの種類を選べば良い。1匹あたり100バーツほどだ。



※ tilapia:カワスズメ科ティラピア属の淡水産硬骨魚。 同じ種類でアフリカ原産のT.niloticaは全長50cmほどになる。成長が早く美味。クロダイに似ているので,チカダイチカダイや、イズミダイとも呼ばれる。


This message came yesterday from a great Thai friend:
Today (May 5th) 65 years ago 23 years old King was officially crowned as a King of Thailand
He had been named as the King of Thailand when he was 19 years old but he gave his authority to government at that time to rule the country so he could finish his study in Europe then he came back 4 years later and took ‘King' role.
His statement in that day was ‘I will rule the land with moral precept for the happiness of all Siamese”. Since then he keeps his word. Everyday for many years he walked all over Thailand. He cares about his people more than anything. He has only one watch that he use regularly. All other expensive watches are for the event as a King. He uses pencil till it is too short to hold (about 3 cm.). He still send his shoes to repair after they are torn and opened. Sometimes when he takes of his shoes, you will see some small holes in his socks.
Last week I went to open market and bought 2 Kg of fish, tilapia fish, for 80 baht. It is cheap, good source of nutrient and taste good fish.
March 25th,1965 Crown Price of Japan (Akihito, who is Japan Emperor now) sent 25 couples of tilapia fish as a gift to King of Thailand. 25 male and 25 female fishes for breeding. Crown Prince had vey bright vision that this kind of fish could grow very well in Thailand. That fish original region is Nile river area. So King named it ‘Pla Nil’ (pronounce as Nin). King fed and bred the fish in the pond in his own palace. March 17th, 1966 King gave 10,000 of young tilapia fishes to Department of Fisheries of Thailand to take care of breeding them till the amount of fish was enough to let them in the all natural water all over Thailand.
King also successfully hybridized them. New kind of fish had pink color which looked nicer and named it ‘Pla Tabtim’ or Ruby Fish.
If you are poor, you can have small greenish black color fish in very cheap price. Small one will cost about 5 baht (8 - 10 fish for 1 kg.). Normal size about 1/2 Kg. fish will cost about 40 baht. And if you are rich, you can have nice big pink fish that cost about 100 baht for one fish.
King still keeps original breed and feed them in the pond inside his palace today. They had the never been cross-bleed with any fish.
One Emperor and one King literally make this world be the better place for everyone, not only their own people. And their work will continue gives benefit to humanity forever (could be).
Imagine there are a few more great men in this world working together like them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a heartwarming story.
Rarely told in Japan.